2024-06-03: News Headlines

Mitchell Plitnick, Mondoweiss. (2024-06-03). Understanding Biden's Proposal For A Gaza Ceasefire. popularresistance.org As U.S. President Joe Biden stepped up to the microphone on Friday, he checked his watch before beginning his speech, joking that he wanted to make sure it was afternoon. Given that he was almost an hour late to the speech, someone might have told him behind the scenes to wait until it was close to the beginning of Shabbat in Israel. That way, far-right, and Sabbath-observant, ministers such as Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir would have to wait a day to respond to a speech they certainly did not want to hear. | Nor was Biden's speech one that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could have been very ple…

Fight Back! News. (2024-06-03). Possible Virtual Biden Nomination Won't Impact March On DNC. popularresistance.org Chicago, IL — Preparations for the March on the DNC are well underway, with tens of thousands of people slated to march within sight and sound of the United Center on August 19 to demand that the Democratic Party helmed by Joe Biden end the genocide on Gaza and end U.S. aid to Israel. | Recently, the Democratic Party announced, to comply with shifting Ohio laws, that it will virtually nominate Biden before the convention, meaning that some business of the convention might be resolved before the August in-person convention. | "The Israeli occupation with U.S. weapons has killed over 36,000 people in Gaza. Me…

Colonel Ann Wright, Popular Resistance. (2024-06-03). Mother Nature Makes Mockery Of US Military's $320 Million Pier In Gaza. popularresistance.org Well, I told you so. Mother Nature did to the U.S. military's $320 million Rube Goldberg pier exactly what I and others predicted. Mother Nature's 3-foot waves and seasonal winds caused the pier to break apart sending sections of the pier and two boats used to keep the pier in place onto beaches in Gaza and two boats onto an Israeli beach eight miles north of Gaza near Ashkelon. | A section of the pier with containers and a small military truck on it floated past a popular beach in Israel and was met with laughter from Israeli beachgoers. | U.S. Boots on Gaza Sand | On May 28, the Pentagon said despite U.S. milit…

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2024-06-03). Following ICJ And ICC Actions, Sanctions And Arms Embargo Are Crucial Next Steps. popularresistance.org Seven months into its genocidal campaign, Israel's assault on Rafah led the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to issue a preliminary order on May 24. The court called on Israel to "Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." It also ordered Israel to keep the Rafah crossing open and permit United Nations investigative commissions to enter Gaza and investigate allegations of genocide. | In addition, mounting Israeli atrocities pro…

Sam Husseini, Substack. (2024-06-03). 'Uniting For Peace' Is Next Step In Invoking Genocide Convention Process. popularresistance.org Following the latest orders from the International Court of Justice that Israel halt its military offensive in Rafah, some claimed that while the orders of the Court are of course binding, there's "no enforcement mechanism." The Court's orders were of course the result of South Africa's invoking the Genocide Convention against Israel and its repeated requests for additional orders from the ICJ. | In fact, there is such an enforcement mechanism — it's the UN Security Council. The ICJ is a court that issues orders. The UNSC should act like a sheriff which implements those orders. | The problem of course is th…

_____ (2024-06-03). The Global Demand for a Gaza Ceasefire Grows, Leaving Biden Behind. transcend.org 30 May 2024 – Israel's ongoing bombardment and ground invasion of Gaza has provoked unprecedented global outcry. On 24 May, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt its attack on Rafah.

Uri Weltmann, Federico Fuentes (2024-06-03). Anti-war left makes inroads in Israel. greenleft.org.au Standing Together is a Jewish-Arab social movement that is part of a burgeoning movement for ceasefire inside Israel. Federico Fuentes spoke with its national field organiser Uri Weltmann to find out more about this fledgling peace movement.

aljazeera (2024-06-03). Israeli air strikes continue across Gaza as truce talks struggle. aljazeera.com Israeli strikes continue to kill Palestinians as PM Netanyahu faces pressure from all sides over ceasefire proposals.

Ramzy Baroud (2024-06-03). The War is Lost — But Why is Netanyahu Killing Civilians in Rafah? orinocotribune.com By Ramzy Baroud — Jun 1, 2024 | Just hours after Israel carried out a gruesome massacre of displaced Palestinians in the Tel Al-Sultan area west of Rafah in the Gaza Strip on 26 May, it carried out yet another massacre in the Al-Mawasi area. The first is now known as the "Tents Massacre". | It took place shortly after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) finally

Paul Larudee (2024-06-03). Paying the Toll. dissidentvoice.org A 5/31/2024 article in CounterPunch returns to the question of the death toll of the genocide in Gaza, and the gross undercount of deaths by almost every agency imaginable, even the ones in Gaza itself. I suggest further elaboration. 200,000 was the number dead that Ralph Nader estimated at the beginning of March. It has …

Tasneem Elholy (2024-06-03). Teenager's death highlights infectious disease casualties of genocide. electronicintifada.net Displacement, overcrowding and unsanitary conditions has led to a communicable disease crisis in Gaza.

WSWS (2024-06-03). Portuguese Stalinists, pseudo-left ally with big-business PS to protect right-wing government. wsws.org The BE and PCP aim to subordinate the working class to the PS, to block a movement against the new PSD government, fascism, the Gaza genocide and the NATO war on Russia.

WSWS (2024-06-03). Australian Labor government blocking Palestinians from refugee status. wsws.org Labor has denied over 4,600 applications by Palestinians for temporary visas, while excluding those fleeing the genocide from refugee protections altogether.

WSWS (2024-06-03). Stop the US-NATO escalation toward nuclear war! Unite the international working class against imperialist war and genocide! wsws.org For the first time since the end of the Second World War, the US and its allies are directly targeting Russian territory.

bwitanek (2024-06-03). Me and Mr. Pallone … 2nd Dance at Asbury Park Pride. He Got a Thing Going On and We Know its Wrong! Make Your Vote Demand an End to Genocide! fightbackbetter.com I attended Pride in Asbury Park on Sunday. June 2 in part to assist with efforts to complete petitions for…

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-03). More than 1700 public servants condemn Labor for 'complicity in Palestinian genocide'. greenleft.org.au

_____ (2024-06-03). 'New Era of Struggle': Thousands Convene to Strategize Future of Palestine Movement. transcend.org 1 Jun 2024 – After eight months of Israel's genocide, where does the movement for Palestine go? That was the question taken up by the People's Conference for Palestine in Detroit attended by thousands from around the world.

Staff (2024-06-03). Body of Israeli killed on Oct. 7 located; IDF downs ballistic missile headed to Israel's south. haaretz.com Blinken speaks to Gallant and Gantz, says Hamas should accept Israeli deal ‚ñ Strikes reported in Syria ‚ñ Drone crashes into northern Israeli city, causes fires ‚ñ Maldives will ban Israelis from entering the country over the war in Gaza ‚ñ Anti-tank missile hits home in Israel's north ‚ñ Defense chief Gallant: Israel is preparing an alternative ruling body in Gaza that will challenge Hamas…

cpj.org (2024-06-03). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org Editor's note: The list below is CPJ's most recent and preliminary account of journalist casualties in the war. Our database will not include all of these cases until we have completed further investigations into the circumstances surrounding them. For more information, read our FAQ. The Israel-Gaza war has taken an unprecedented toll on Gazan journalists…

Fayha Shalash (2024-06-03). Israel accused of releasing Palestinian detainee with amputated legs to evade treatment. middleeasteye.net Israel accused of releasing Palestinian detainee with amputated legs to evade treatment | Wafaa Jarrar has been severely wounded in an explosion during her arrest in Jenin last month | | Wafaa Nayef Zuhdy Jarrar, 49, has sustained serious wounds following her arrest by Israeli forces last…

_____ (2024-06-03). As Israel Bombs Ambulances and Levels Refugee Camp, Netanyahu Receives Bipartisan Invitation to Address US Congress. transcend.org 1 Jun 2024 – Signaling support for the genocidal Israeli onslaught, the Democratic and Republican parties issued a letter to Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday [31 May], hailing him in the fight against "terrorism" and inviting him to address the US Congress.

Editor (2024-06-03). Jun 3, 2024. sitrepworld.info Country Joe Mcdonald — Feel Like i'm Fixing to Die Rag Scott Ritter,"We're Going to Destroy the World If We Go to Nuclear War" (Video) Watching Washington Foment Nuclear War, by Paul Craig Roberts America cannot be made great again. We need a NEW America, by Don Hank Easily 200,000 Dead in Gaza? On Destroying Gaza to Save It, by Bill Astore A Bloody Ratio: Israel's Tent Camp Massacre shows futility of its Rafah Campaign, by Binoy Kampmark Gaza: The Donkey and the Fate of Western Civilization, by Jamal Kanj Far Right Totalitarians in Israeli Cabinet threaten to Crash the Govt, by Juan Co…

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-03). Israelis banned from luxury Indian Ocean tourist hotspot Maldives over Gaza war. scmp.com The Islamic island nation will impose a ban on all Israeli passports, said the office of the president, announcing a national fundraising campaign in 'solidarity with Palestine'.

_____ (2024-06-03). 'Operation al-Aqsa Flood' Day 237: As Israel's Invasion of Rafah and Northern Gaza Continues, Smotrich Calls for 'War' on West Bank. transcend.org 30 May 2024 – Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has called for launching a "defensive war" on the West Bank in the same way that Israel is doing in Gaza.

MEE staff (2024-06-03). War on Gaza: Over a million flee Rafah as Israel weighs up truce proposal. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Over a million flee Rafah as Israel weighs up truce proposal | Netanyahu says deal outlines presented by Biden not accurate amid fears his governing coalition could collapse | | Palestinians perform Friday prayers at the ruins of a mosque destroyed in the Israeli military offensive in Kh…

MEE staff (2024-06-03). Steve Coogan, Riz Ahmed, and other celebrities urge Starmer to end Israel arms sales. middleeasteye.net Steve Coogan, Riz Ahmed, and other celebrities urge Starmer to end Israel arms sales | More than 100 musicians, filmmakers and actors signed a letter calling on the Labour leader and election frontrunner to end 'UK complicity' in war crimes in Gaza | | Celebrities, including Alan Partridge actor Stev…

| Namemohamed Mandour (2024-06-03). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. Mohamed Mandour

_____ (2024-06-03). Biden's Rafah 'Red Line' Is a Green Light for 'Death and Destruction'. transcend.org 27 May 2024 – Pretending to oppose a Rafah assault, the White House facilitates a new Israeli massacre at a Gaza tent camp.

| Namedoja Daoud (2024-06-03). Arrests of Palestinian journalists since start of Israel-Gaza war. Doja Daoud

Zvi Bar'el (2024-06-03). The Rafah crossing may be the catalyst for the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza. haaretz.com As the delegation from Cairo put it in the recent summit on reopening the crossing for aid, Rafah is 'the Palestinian-Egyptian crossing point.' As much as Israel tries to resist, the PA is likely the only realistic option for administrating the crossing, and Gaza itself…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-03). The Stuffing of Crime: Israel's Rafah Strike. counterpunch.org It was much like witnessing a boy killing flies, with a slight afterthought of apology. The spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, did little to acquit himself, or the cause, as to why more Palestinian civilians had been indulgently killed in yet another Israeli air strike. "Despite our efforts to minimize civilian

_____ (2024-06-03). Israel's Tents Massacre in Rafah Is a Heinous War Crime. transcend.org 27 May 2024 – In a flagrant violation of international norms and humanitarian laws, Israel continues to act with total impunity in Gaza, enjoying Western complicity and emboldened by U.S. unconditional military and diplomatic support.

Amos Harel (2024-06-03). Losing control: Israel's lack of progress in Gaza ripples over to the Lebanon border. haaretz.com Hezbollah's losses on the Lebanese side are significantly higher as they respond with heavy shelling deeper into northern Israel. With public pressure mounting on Israel's government to take action, the potential for an all-out war looms, promising far greater destruction…

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-03). Jewish Council of Australia calls for sanctions on Israel. greenleft.org.au

Maxime Duriez (2024-06-03). Israel ignores international justice while it rains hell on Gaza. fidh.org

Associated Press (2024-06-03). Israel seeks a 'governing alternative' to Hamas in Gaza. It's been tried and failed before. scmp.com Israel is looking into an alternative local governing body for Gaza, the defence minister said, proposing a future beyond Hamas but giving no idea who those challengers might be.

_____ (2024-06-03). Abandoned by the State, Palestinian Citizens of Israel Face Record Crime Wave. transcend.org 30 May 2024 – Amid a proliferation of weapons and worsening police negligence, violence by criminal organizations in Arab towns has reached historic levels.

aljazeera (2024-06-03). 'No one will hold Israel accountable' as it targets medics in south Lebanon. aljazeera.com Israel is possibly committing war crimes by expanding its war on medics from Gaza to south Lebanon, say rights groups.

newleftreview (2024-06-03). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

_____ (2024-06-03). People Burned Alive, Child Decapitated: Report from Rafah on Israeli Strike That Killed 45 in Camp. transcend.org 28 May 2024 – Update after an Israeli attack on refugee tent camps in what had previously been declared a "safe zone" killed at least 45 people, including women and children. "Basically, the situation is totally catastrophic," reports Palestinian journalist Shrouq Aila, from Rafah. She explains the bombs set tents, made largely of nylon, on fire.

Staff (2024-06-03). Maldives says will ban Israelis from entering the country over Gaza war. muslimmirror.com Tehran : The Maldives government has announced that it will ban Israeli passport holders from entering the country over the regime's war on Gaza. The office of President Mohamed Muizzu made the announcement on Sunday, saying that the Maldives government has decided to set up a subcommittee to oversee the process, according to AP. The …

Doja Daoud (2024-06-03). Arrests of Palestinian journalists since start of Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org Since the start of the Israel-Gaza war, an unprecedented number of journalists and media workers have been arrested — often without charge — in what they and their attorneys say is retaliation for their journalism and commentary. As of June 3, CPJ has documented a total of 42 arrests of journalists in the Palestinian territories…

Dave DeCamp (2024-06-03). Israeli Airstrikes Hit Syria's Aleppo, 12 Reported Killed. news.antiwar.com Israeli airstrikes hit targets near the Syrian city of Aleppo early Monday morning, resulting in heavy casualties. "The Israeli enemy launched an air attack from the direction of southeastern Aleppo, targeting some sites in the vicinity of Aleppo," a military source told Syria's SANA news agency. "The aggression led to a number of martyrs and …

teleSUR (2024-06-03). Iran Proposes OIC Meeting for Confronting Israeli Offensive. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Iranian Caretaker Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani called for convening an emergency ministerial meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to take collective steps against the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip. | RELATED: | "Islamic countries must adopt a joint movement to confront the Israeli aggression and protect Palestinian people," he said following a meeting in Beirut with his Lebanese c…

Reuters (2024-06-03). Biden's Gaza plan 'not a good deal' but Israel accepts it, Netanyahu aide says. scmp.com Pressure is growing on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following US President Joe Biden's proposal for an end to the war in Gaza.

UN Special Representative …………. (2024-06-03). 'Clear and convincing information' that hostages held in Gaza subjected to sexual violence. indybay.org Following a 17-day visit to Israel, the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict reported on Monday that she and a team of experts had found "clear and convincing information" of rape and sexualized torture being committed against hostages seized during the 7 October terror attacks.

The Media Line Staff (2024-06-03). Israeli Defense Minister Vows Continued Gaza Offensive Until Hamas Is Replaced. themedialine.org

MEE staff (2024-06-03). Tunisia bans Palestinian keffiyeh inside exam halls. middleeasteye.net Tunisia bans Palestinian keffiyeh inside exam halls | The education ministry has banned students from wearing clothing that might 'influence' them during exams, while reaffirming its support for Palestine | | Tunisians gather in Tunis on 27 May in solidarity with Palestinians amid Israel's ongoing wa…

_____ (2024-06-03). UN Experts Outraged by Israeli Strikes on Civilians Sheltering in Rafah Camps. transcend.org 29 May 2024 — Israeli air strikes on a camp for civilians in Rafah claimed at least 46 lives including 23 women, children and elderly on Sunday 26 May. "Harrowing images of destruction, displacement and death have emerged from Rafah, including infants torn apart and people burnt alive," UN experts said.

| Name (2024-06-03). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org

Jamal Kanj (2024-06-03). Gaza: The Donkey and the Fate of Western Civilization. counterpunch.org Blackened smoke in the background, the raging inferno ripped through tents long after Israel had bombed another designated "safe" zone for evacuated civilians from north of Gaza. A charred body, of a boy or a girl, pulled from the wreckage, still burning. It's the "bigger shoah," the bigger Holocaust, Matan Vilnai, Israel's deputy defense minister had promised Gaza in 2008.

theonion (2024-06-03). SATIRE: Other Things Nikki Haley Wrote On Israeli Missiles. theonion.com Nikki Haley recently came under fire for a photo that has surfaced from her trip to Israel in which she can be seen writing the words "Finish them! America <3 Israel" on an artillery shell. Here are other things the former South Carolina governor and former presidential candidate wrote on Israeli missiles.

latintimes (2024-06-03). Mediators Press Israel, Hamas To Agree To Truce Proposal. latintimes.com US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant to discuss the deal, the State Department said in a pair of statements Sunday night.

noemail (2024-06-03). Arrow Defense: Israel's Shield Against Red Sea Threats. devdiscourse.com Israel's military said it used the Arrow ballistic interceptor on Monday to shoot down a surface-to-surface missile launched in the Red Sea area, after sounding sirens in the port city of Eilat to send residents to shelters.

Mohamed Mandour (2024-06-03). Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war. cpj.org Since the Israel-Gaza war began on October 7, journalists and media across the region have faced a hostile environment that has made reporting on the war exceptionally challenging. In addition to documenting the growing tally of journalists killed and injured, CPJ's research has found multiple kinds of incidents of journalists being targeted while carrying out…

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-06-03). Bad planning and intel: How Israel struck crowded Rafah refugee camp, killing dozens. haaretz.com The IDF clarified that preliminary inspections were made to ensure that there were no civilians in the compound where the two senior Hamas officials were located, but sources from the defense establishment estimate that the strike's dreadful outcome was the result of poor planning…

Cynthia Papermaster (2024-06-03). Friday 6/7: Biden, Padilla, Pelosi, Israel: WE Are Your Red Line! indybay.org 333 Bush St, San Francisco (Senator Alex Padilla's office) and 456 Montgomery St., Israeli Consulate…

Chris Jarvis (2024-06-03). These are the 100+ cultural figures who have demanded Keir Starmer ends arms sales to Israel. leftfootforward.org They've asked the Labour leader to "take a stand against the ongoing atrocities committed by Israel".

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-06-03). Faith Leaders Fast and March for Gaza. indybay.org Demand that Senator Padilla act to Stop Arming Israel…

Bernie Sanders (2024-06-03). The War Criminal Netanyahu Should Not be Invited to Address Congress. counterpunch.org It is a very sad day for our country that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited — by leaders from both parties — to address a joint meeting of the United States Congress. Israel, of course, had the right to defend itself against the horrific Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th, but it did not,

Free Palestine! (2024-06-03). Tuesday 6/4: Watsonville: Candlelight Vigil for Rafah. indybay.org Downtown Watsonville Plaza, 350 Main Street, Watsonville…

Do the right thing, Jimmy! (2024-06-03). Petition: Demand Panetta Take Action For Palestine. indybay.org Community members in the Monterey Bay area are calling on Jimmy Pannetta, U.S. Representative (D) CA-19, to take action for Palestine. | Sign the petition here: www.change.org/p/demand-panetta-take-act…

Marc Batko (2024-06-03). Trump and the Danger of Fascism. indybay.org Peace is the imperative that should outweigh escalation and the unspeakable risk of global war! The constitutional state must not be confused with the security state or the emergency state as Rousseau and the social contract must not be confused with Thomas Hobbes and the punishing or fearsome state. People would fight endlessly without the state or Leviathan, he said.

Angela (2024-06-03). Friday 6/7: Webinar: Palestine Solidarity Announcements. indybay.org

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2024-06-03). Monday 6/3: Inaugural California Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony – Honoring USCT from California. indybay.org Our Global Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony take place at Noon all around the world. Juneteenth is our agreed upon date to celebrate the beginning of ending chattel slavery at the final Confederate States of America Port at Galveston Island, Texas…

Alex Darocy (2024-06-03). Riot Cops Destroy UCSC's Gaza Solidarity Encampment and Arrest Dozens of Students. indybay.org Shortly after midnight on May 31, riot cops from multiple agencies descended on UC Santa Cruz in order to remove the Gaza Solidarity Encampment established by Students for Justice in Palestine. For the first hour of the police presence, officers cordoned off the area surrounding the encampment. Students then grouped closely together and locked arms near a blockaid they created on May 28 to prevent traffic from entering the main entrance to campus. Throughout the evening and into the morning there were hundreds of riot cops on campus.

Hank Pellissier (2024-06-03). Saturday 6/8: Free Palestine Rally – by Mega Mouth Rebels. indybay.org Ferry Building Plaza, San Francisco | Market & Embracadero…

Quanah Brightman (2024-06-03). Thursday 7/11: Lock Up Donald Trump. indybay.org Supreme Court of California | 350 McAllister St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-06-03). Canadá-Palestina: Acampada Solidaria en la Universidad de Toronto. indybay.org

Labor Video Project (2024-06-03). Milei & Techno Fascists Protested in Silicon Valley at San Jose Bay Area Council "Summit" indybay.org

üåπ (2024-06-03). Sunday 6/9: Fundraiser for Palestine. indybay.org Oakland Secret, 577 5th st Oakland CA…

_____ (2024-06-03). North Korea: Government-sponsored Labor Migration. transcend.org Historically, migration has benefited the economies where it has happened, but it has also led to popular antagonism. The main argument is usually about the numbers arriving and the nature of the immigrants–often displaying traits of racism and ethnic contempt.

publicbooks (2024-06-03). On the Edges of Fascism and Other Unsettling Possibilities. publicbooks.org "Borders generate more human possibilities: citizens standing for the rights of noncitizens, finding them refuge, seeking them sanctuary, pushing at the margins of the state and its sovereignty."

The Independent (2024-06-03). Luwero Kadhi takes medical leave following road accident. independent.co.ug Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Sheikh Ramadhan Mulindwa Nsanja, the Luwero District Kadhi of the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC), has taken a one-month medical leave after being involved in a road accident that injured him and damaged his official car. The announcement was made by Sheikh Twaha Lubega Khamis, the Luwero Deputy Kadhi, …

ContraCorriente (2024-06-03). The Central American and Palestinian liberation struggles are intertwined. globalvoices.org

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-03). Sydney University Free Palestine encampment continues. greenleft.org.au

Associated Press (2024-06-03). South Africa's Ramaphosa urges rivals to find common ground after ANC election bruising. scmp.com South Africa's African National Congress has begun talks with rivals to form a government following its worst performance since Nelson Mandela led it to power at the end of apartheid in 1994.

The Independent (2024-06-03). Dr Mugisha: We support targeting of individuals, not blanket sanctions. independent.co.ug INTERVIEW | FRANK MUGISHA | May 29, 2024, marked exactly one year since the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA) became law. It has been globally criticised for marginalising the minority community, including Dr Frank Mugisha, who has petitioned the Supreme Court to quash it. Mugisha is internationally known for his advocacy as a human rights defender and has …

Mazibuko Jara, Federico Fuentes (2024-06-03). South Africa: 30 years after Mandela's post-apartheid victory, ANC suffers historic election defeat. greenleft.org.au The African National Congress (ANC) lost its parliamentary majority in South Africa's May 29 elections. South African socialist Mazibuko Jara discussed the reasons for the ANC's declining support and the rise of the recently formed uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party, led by former ANC president Jacob Zuma with Green Left's Federico Fuentes just prior to the elections.

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-03). Blue Mountains supports Palestinian refugees. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-06-03). ANU Gaza Encampment relocates, vows to continue despite VC's threats. greenleft.org.au

The Media Line Staff (2024-06-03). Palestinians Between Normalization and Displacement. themedialine.org

teleSUR, JDO, MER, JGN, JCM, SH (2024-06-03). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio que comete Israel.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-03). Suman 36.479 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net El ejército israelí ha llevado a cabo 4 "masacres" en diferentes puntos de la Franja de Gaza durante las últimas 24 horas y que en estos ataques murieron 40 palestinos y 150 resultaron heridos.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-03). Unrwa reporta más de un millón de palestinos desplazados en Rafah. telesurtv.net La Unrwa dio a conocer que alrededor de 18.500 mujeres embarazadas han huido de Rafah y unas 10.000 permanecen allí sin acceso a la atención médica, ni suministros.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-06-03). Ciudades europeas rechazan el genocidio sionista en Gaza. telesurtv.net En las manifestaciones se exigió que Israel rindiera cuentas por los atroces crímenes cometidos contra el pueblo palestino.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-06-03). Ataques israelíes en el norte de Gaza destruyen 50.000 hogares. telesurtv.net Afirmó que "Jabalia y Beit Hanun son áreas de desastre debido a la destrucción indescriptible" causada por la guerra genocida de Israel.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-03). Israel bombardea cercanías de Alepo en Siria. telesurtv.net Fuentes militares refirieron que siendo las 20H00 (hora local) después de la medianoche del lunes fueron atacados por Israel.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-03). Policía reprime manifestación propalestina en Nueva York, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Medios de prensa locales aseguraron que las fuerzas policiales arrestaron aproximadamente a 22 personas.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-06-03). Sube a 36.439 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net Un saldo de 60 muertos y 220 heridos reportó el Ministerio de Sanidad gazatí, como consecuencia de cuatro masacres cometidas por el Ejército de Israel contra familias en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-06-03). Más de 3.500 niños palestinos están en riesgo de morir de hambre. telesurtv.net "Estos niños carecen de acceso a servicios esenciales y sus condiciones están empeorando debido a la privación de vacunas y medicamentos esenciales", denunció la oficina de medios palestina.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-03). Nicaragua respalda plan para cese al fuego en Gaza de EE.UU. telesurtv.net "Como siempre, nuestra exigencia de respeto y paz, para el pueblo palestino, y para los pueblos del mundo", indicó el Gobierno sandinista.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-03). Ataque de Israel deja cuatro muertos en Nuseirat, Gaza. telesurtv.net El ataque se ejecutó contra a la familia Abu Nar en la calle 20 del campamento de Nuseirat, con aviones de combate de Israel.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-06-03). Ejército israelí asesina a dos adolescentes en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Sanidad palestino informó sobre el fallecimiento de Ahmed Ashraf Walid Hamidat, de 16 años. En tanto, Muhamad al Bitar, de 17, falleció este domingo en un hospital de Jerusalén.

teleSUR, bcb, JCM (2024-06-03). Asciende a 120 cifra de cuerpos recuperados en campo de Jabalia. telesurtv.net La agencia de noticias palestina WAFA refiere que, en las últimas horas, se han encontrado los restos de 50 fallecidos.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-03). Presidenta Xiomara Castro se reúne con alto representante palestino. telesurtv.net En el marco de la asunción del presidente de El Salvador, la mandataria hondureña sostuvo varios encuentros con líderes mundiales.

Branko Marcetic (2024-06-03). Biden Should Stop Attacking the International Criminal Court. cadtm.org The ICC seeking arrest warrants for Israeli leaders is a major step forward for international law. US officials' attacks on the ICC are a major step backward for US global standing.
| I've had some elected leaders speak to me and be very blunt: 'This court [the International Criminal Court] is built for Africa and for thugs like Putin,' is what one senior leader told me."
| It's hard to know what's more extraordinary: yesterday's announcement by International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim (…) | – | /…

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-06-03). Even if it avoids civil war, Israel's final crisis looks cataclysmic! cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-03). James Wolfensohn switches on the charm (1995-2005). cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Sirens sounded in Upper Galilee for fear of drone infiltration: Israeli media. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Imam Khamenei: Al-Aqsa Flood Operation to Seal Fate of 'Israel', Hamas & Hezbollah Poised for Victory. english.almanar.com.lb In a powerful speech marking the anniversary of Imam Khomeini's passing, His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei declared that the recent Al-Aqsa Flood operation carried out by Palestinians has cornered the Israeli entity, leading it down a path towards destruction and elimination. The moment when Imam Khamenei entered the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini to …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Bloodshed Continues: 21 Palestinians Martyred in Ongoing Israeli Aggression on Gaza Strip. english.almanar.com.lb On the 241st day of the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, 21 Palestinian citizens were martyred in separate raids by occupation warplanes and artillery on the central and southern regions. The relentless attacks have left devastation in their wake, with many families mourning the loss of loved ones. Another day of grief …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Israeli Aggression on Positions in Vicinity of Aleppo Claims Number of Civilian Martyrs. english.almanar.com.lb A number of civilians were martyred at dawn on Monday in an Israeli missile aggression that targeted a number of points in vicinity of Aleppo city. "At approximately 00: 20 a.m. at dawn on Monday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial attack with missiles from a direction of southeast Aleppo, targeting a number of points in …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Al-Manar correspondent: Israeli warplanes launch a series of raids on the Abu Rashid region, in Western Bekaa. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Islamic Resistance fighters targeted a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers at Khallet Wardeh with rocket weapons, hitting it directly: statement. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Resistance Rises: IOF Arrest Dozens in West Bank Amidst Confrontations. english.almanar.com.lb Reports from Palestinian media outlets indicate that Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have arrested dozens of Palestinian youths in the West Bank amidst escalating tensions. In the town of Dura, south of al-Khalil, at least seven youths were detained after their homes were raided and searched by the IOF. Simultaneously, a widespread arrest campaign was conducted …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-03). Israeli media outlets report gun shooting at a car and a bus in southern Al-Khalil (Hebron), occupied West Bank. english.almanar.com.lb

newarab (2024-06-03). Palestinians in Gaza look forward to Biden's ceasefire plan. newarab.com Between hope, fear, and anxiety, Palestinians in Biden's initiative includes three stages: The first stage consists of a comprehensive ceasefire with the Israeli army withdrawing from populated areas, allowing the displaced to return to the…

newarab (2024-06-03). Israel PM Netanyahu backs away from Biden's Gaza ceasefire plan. newarab.com Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has backed away from the Israel's war cabinet met late on Sunday to discuss the

newarab (2024-06-03). Israel pounds Gaza after Biden outlines ceasefire plan. newarab.com Israeli forces hammered Shortly after Biden's announcement,

newarab (2024-06-03). Gaza rocked by Israeli attacks as US ceasefire deal discussed. newarab.com Gaza faced a wave of Israeli attacks throughout Monday, including incursions near Khan Younis and around Gaza City, as the UN said over half of the enclave's buildings have been destroyed. | Palestinian media confirmed on Monday the killing of six Palestinians, mostly women and children, as a result of an Israeli bombardment that targeted a house in the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. | The Emergency Municipal Committee in northern Gaza announced on Sunday that the

newarab (2024-06-03). Chile joins South African case against Israel at top UN court. newarab.com Chilean President Gabriel Boric said on Saturday that his country was joining South Africa in its case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of "genocide" in its Speaking to the National Congress, Boric decried the "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Gaza and called for "a firm response from the international community." | "Chile will become a party to and support the case that South Africa presented against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague," Boric…

newarab (2024-06-03). Dutch MPs call for inquiry into Israel spying on ICC lawyers. newarab.com Local Dutch MPs are calling on the government to launch a probe into reports that Israel spied on and intimidated lawyers at the An

newarab (2024-06-03). Israel accepts Biden's Gaza deal, calls it flawed. newarab.com An aide to Prime Minister In an interview with Britain's Sunday Times, Ophir Falk, Netanyahu's chief foreign policy advisor, said Biden's proposal was "a deal we agreed to—it's not a good deal, but we dearl…

newarab (2024-06-03). Dortmund inks deal with arms firm linked to Israel exports. newarab.com The Bundesliga side signed a three-year advertising agreement with Israel's

newarab (2024-06-03). Azmi Bishara: Biden's speech puts Netanyahu in awkward position. newarab.com There is now an American conviction that the war in Gaza must end, said Dr. Azmi Bishara, general director of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, following In a new interview aired Friday evening on The New Arab's affiliated Al-Araby TV, Bishara emphasized the significance of U.S. President Joe Biden's address, noting the optics of Biden presenting the Israeli initiative from the White House, and of adding his interpretation…

newarab (2024-06-03). Israel pounds Gaza as mediators urge Israel, Hamas accept truce. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-03). Zelensky hits at Israel as Saudi 'boycotts' Ukraine conference. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-03). Children, women killed in another night of deadly Gaza attacks. newarab.com The Israeli military continued its attacks on Gaza for the 241st consecutive day, targeting various areas of the Strip with airstrikes and artillery shelling. | Palestinian media confirmed on Monday the killing of six Palestinians, mostly women and children, as a result of an Israeli bombardment that targeted a house in the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. | The Emergency Municipal Committee in northern Gaza announced on Sunday that the

newarab (2024-06-03). Twelve Iran-linked fighters killed in Israeli strike in Syria. newarab.com At least 12 pro-regime fighters were killed in an overnight "Twelve pro-Iranian fighters of Syrian and foreign nationalities were killed, according to an initial tally, in an Israeli air strike on a position in the town of Hayyan, north of Aleppo, setting off strong explosions in a factory," the Syrian Observatory f…

newarab (2024-06-03). Israel's high court begins hearing on Haredi conscription. newarab.com A panel of justices on The nine-justice panel, led by Interim Chief Justice Uzi Fogelman, heard from Israeli government's private council, which is arguing against the intervention of the Represen…

newarab (2024-06-03). Half of Jewish Israelis back occupying Gaza after war: poll. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-03). Iran's acting top diplomat visits Beirut in first official visit. newarab.com Iran's acting foreign minister arrived in Iran's state-run IRNA news agency reported that Ali Bagheri Kani would visit Lebanon and then Syria "to meet with the two countries' officials as well as the officials of the resistance front to discuss ways to counter (Israel)." |

newarab (2024-06-03). UK Labour replaces Faiza Shaheen with member of pro-Israel JLM. newarab.com The Tatle…

newarab (2024-06-03). Could Netanyahu ditch Israeli far-right for Biden's Gaza deal. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-03). UK ministers say arms exports to Israel will continue. newarab.com The UK has once again concluded that it will not suspend arms exports to Israel, after reviewing a further three months of the Israeli military's The latest review examined Israel's bombardment of the enclave until 24 April, including the "The business secretary has therefore decided our position on export licences remains unchanged. This is consistent wi…

newarab (2024-06-03). Rafah UNRWA shelters 'empty' as Gazans flee Israeli onslaught. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-03). Maldives to ban Israelis to protest Gaza war. newarab.com The Indian Ocean nation of the Maldives will ban Israelis from the The Maldives, a tiny Islamic republic of more than 1,000 strategically

newarab (2024-06-03). Hezbollah says strikes Israeli bases as clashes intensify. newarab.com Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, has traded The border clashes have intensified, and on Sunday, Hezbollah "bombarded… th…

newarab (2024-06-03). KDP rejoins Kurdistan general elections amid new date talks. newarab.com The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) announced on Sunday that it will participate in the upcoming Elections in Iraqi Kurdistan, initially scheduled for late 2022, faced repeated delays due to disputes between the KDP and the Patriotic U…

newarab (2024-06-03). Iran's ex-President Ahmadinejad to run in presidential election. newarab.com Iran's hard-line former President The populist former leader's registration pressures Supreme Leader

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters march in Paris. presstv.ir Protesters in Paris marched, demanding a ceasefire in Gaza as the conflict in the region is about to enter its eighth month.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Belgian police break up pro-Palestinian demo outside Israeli embassy. presstv.ir Police break up a protest by several hundred pro-Palestinian demonstrators, calling for a ceasefire outside the Israeli embassy in Brussels.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). 'UK denies visas to injured Gaza children, opens doors to Ukrainians'. presstv.ir The UK refuses to issue visas for Palestinian children who could seek treatment in the country but accepts injured Ukrainian minors, a report says.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Qatar, Saudi Arabia condemn Israeli bill branding UNRWA 'terrorist group'. presstv.ir Qatar and Saudi Arabia have condemned the Israeli parliament for its effort to brand the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, as a "terrorist group," as condemnations continue to mount over the move.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Official: Israeli forces destroyed 50,000 housing units in northern Gaza. presstv.ir A Palestinian official says Israeli forces have destroyed 50,000 housing units in the northern part of Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). US official pressured to resign over Powerpoint on mothers starving in Gaza. presstv.ir A former contractor with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) said he was forced to resign after his presentation focused on declining maternal health in Gaza was canceled by leadership.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). 120 bodies recovered in Gaza refugee camp after Israeli forces withdrew. presstv.ir Palestinian rescue teams have recovered 50 more bodies from the rubble in the Jabalia refugee camp, bringing the total number of bodies uncovered there to 120, two days after the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the area.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Israel arrests Palestinian reporter amid regime's crackdown on journalists. presstv.ir Israeli forces arrest a Palestinian journalist after summoning her for interrogation.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). UN chief says 'horror' in Gaza must stop after deadly Rafah strikes. presstv.ir The UN secretary-general condemns Israel's deadly May 26 air strikes on Rafah, calling for the horror and suffering to stop immediately.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Israel's airstrike on Syria's Aleppo causes casualties, material damage. presstv.ir Israel's new airstrike on Syria's northwestern city of Aleppo causes casualties and some material damage.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Over 20 killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza refugee camps, homes. presstv.ir Israeli warplanes conduct fresh air raids on several areas across the Gaza Strip, killing at least 22 Palestinians.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Wounded Palestinians evacuated as Israeli forces press Rafah offensive. presstv.ir Wounded Palestinians were evacuated by ambulance teams in Rafah as Israeli tanks continue probing attacks across the southern Gaza city.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Iran an invincible power, any military option against it off the table: IRGC. presstv.ir The IRGC chief commander says any possible option of war against Iran is null and off the table.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Israeli airstrike kills two civilians in southern Lebanon. presstv.ir An Israeli military has killed two people in an area in southern Lebanon, as fighting intensified between the Tel Aviv regime and Hezbollah resistance movement.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Islamic Resistance in Iraq hits 'vital target' in Haifa with drones. presstv.ir The Islamic Resistance in Iraq hits an Israeli "vital target" in the port city of Haifa with drones.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Paris police teargas pro-Palestine demonstrators. presstv.ir The May 26 attack on a displacement camp in a designated safe zone northwest of Rafah killed at least 45 people.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). UN experts call on all countries to recognize Palestinian statehood. presstv.ir The experts say recognition of a Palestinian state is an important acknowledgement of the rights of the Palestinian people.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Pro-Palestinian protesters gather in Barcelona, Madrid. presstv.ir Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters gather at the European Commission Headquarters in Barcelona and outside the foreign affairs ministry in Madrid.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Polls open in South Africa's most competitive election since end of apartheid. presstv.ir South Africans started voting on Wednesday in an election that could mark a big political shift if the governing African National Congress party loses its majority as opinion polls suggest.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). 'We're all Palestinians, we're all Gazans': Peaceful march in Dakar. presstv.ir Hundreds of Senegalese gathered in support of Palestine in Dakar for an event called the Peaceful March.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Demonstration in support of Gaza gets underway in Paris. presstv.ir Dozens of demonstrators gathered in Paris to support the Palestinian people.

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Thousands of Australians stage rally in support of Gaza. presstv.ir Thousands of Australian protesters block a major intersection in Melbourne solidarity with Palestinians.

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