2024-05-21: News Headlines

Robert Inlakesh (2024-05-21). Media Manipulation: The Truth About The Gaza Death Toll. mintpressnews.com Controlling narratives is critical in the context of international war and the media. The UN's reported death toll from Gaza has recently come under fire; allegations suggest that the UN dramatically reduced its numbers downward. The UN has denied this accusation, but it seems to be a part of a larger disinformation operation meant to support Israeli state propaganda and hide the truth about Palestinian suffering. | The UN promptly refuted the initial accusation that it had significantly altered the death toll from Gaza. In spite of this, the idea was not written off as a straightforward error in the media but ra…

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-21). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 227: ICC Seeks Warrants For Netanyahu, Galant. popularresistance.org Chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan told CNN's Christiane Amanpour in an interview on Monday, May 20, that the ICC would be seeking arrest warrants for Israeli leaders and Hamas officials on charges of "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity" on October 7 and during the war on Gaza. | The ICC prosecutor told Amanpour that the application for the arrest warrants, if granted by the ICC's panel of judges, included Hamas's leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh, Qassam Brigades commander Muhammad al-Deif, and most notably, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Isra…

Julia Conley, Scheer Post. (2024-05-21). Morehouse Students Show Solidarity With Gaza During Biden Speech. popularresistance.org Advisers for U.S. President Biden reportedly saw Morehouse College, a historically Black men's college in Atlanta where he gave the commencement address Sunday, as a school where the president was unlikely to face protests over his continued support for Israel's assault on Gaza, which has been the subject of mass demonstrations led by students at universities across the country over the past month. | But students and faculty made clear at the ceremony that many of them, like others in higher education, are intent on sending Biden a strong message of disapproval over his Israel policy. | A number of faculty member…

Palestinian Youth Movement, People's Dispatch. (2024-05-21). Strengthening Our Movement In Times Of Crisis. popularresistance.org Two hundred days into the Zionist war of aggression on Gaza, the Palestinian struggle is in the midst of a critical conjuncture. For months, organizations in North America have been strengthening and leading a mass movement to advance the cause of Palestinian national liberation from within the imperial core. The popular and revolutionary character of the movement has been borne out by the millions marching in the streets, direct actions across all major cities, new and newly-energized sector-based organizing and campaigns, victories across ideological and media struggle, and most recently, student encampments de…

Isabel Kain, Becker Sharif, Labor Notes. (2024-05-21). How UC Researchers Began Saying No To Military Work. popularresistance.org Our union of 48,000 academic workers has just authorized a strike over the University of California's unfair labor practices in repressing peaceful protest, retaliating against members for protesting, and prohibiting pro-Palestine speech at the worksite. | United Auto Workers Local 4811 announced the results yesterday: with nearly 20,000 members voting, 79 percent voted yes. | Part of the groundwork behind this vote and informing the potential strike is the organizing we have done over the past several months in our science departments—as researchers who are no longer willing to support genocide with our la…

John Green, MR Online. (2024-05-21). Portugal: Fifty Years Since The Carnation Revolution. popularresistance.org Fifty years ago, on April 25, 1974, Portugal was shaken by an earthquake. Not a geological earthquake, like the one in 1755 that razed Lisbon to the ground and killed around 50,000 people, but a political one, with only four victims. It was an uprising that would overnight bring Europe's longest lasting fascist dictatorship tumbling down. | Shortly after midnight on April 25, the popular song "Grândola Vila Moreno" (Grândola, my swarthy town) rang out over the airwaves of a private Portuguese radio station. To the nervous soldiers in their barracks listening out for it, this was the signal for them to start the e…

UMMID (2024-05-21). Watch: Israeli official heckled at International Court of Justice. ummid.com An Israeli official who was defending the occupying regime's bloodletting in the refugee-packed city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip was Friday May 17, 2024 heckled at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

UMMID (2024-05-21). SA seeks explicit order from ICJ to stop Israel from invading Rafah. ummid.com The lawyers representing South Africa at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Thursday May 16, 2024 urged the world court to make explicit its provisional measures announced earlier to stop Israel from invading Rafah.

Jonathan Cook (2024-05-21). Indeed, there is no comparison: Israel's crimes are far worse than Hamas'. dissidentvoice.org There is one thing we should all be able to agree with Benjamin Netanyahu on: Any comparison between Israel's war crimes and those of Hamas is, as the Israeli prime minister put it, "absurd and false" and a "distortion of reality".Here's why: * Israeli war crimes have been ongoing for more than seven decades, long …

Editor (2024-05-21). May 21, 2024. sitrepworld.info Sinéad O'Connor — Raglan Road Fugazy Land: The crisis of meaning, by James Howard Kunstler Why are Israel and the West unravelling in tandem? by Alastair Crooke Netanyahu ICC Warrant, Raisi Killed Air Crash; Rus Takes Belogorovka Storms Chasov Yar; Assange Wins (Mercouris Podcast) Big Picture Monday: Lavrov & Crooke, by Karl Sanchez MoA: ICC Prosecutor Asks For Arrest Warrants For Netanyahoo, Gallant And Others The Two Israels — Alastair Crooke, Judge Napolitano (Video) Genocide has been endorsed for decades by the Evangelical church, by Don Hank Raisi Martyred (by Zionists), by Ke…

Steve Kelly (2024-05-21). Empire Stumbling Toward Irrelevance. counterpunch.org To a working family "camping" on the street or a homeless single mother, this is what political collapse feels like. The UK is #1 in homelessness, the USA "leads" the developed world in percentage of its population living on the street. Meanwhile, endless billions are borrowed and sent abroad to senselessly genocide millions. These sure signs of Imperialist decline can't be ignored forever.

aljazeera (2024-05-21). 'What's happening is not genocide' says Biden after ICC seeks warrants. aljazeera.com US President Joe Biden has defended Israel against the International Criminal Court's request for warrants.

Abba Solomon, Norman Solomon (2024-05-21). The Dead End of Liberal American Zionism. counterpunch.org A significant number of American Jews are now willing to challenge the Zionist project while pointing out that it is inherently fated to suppress the human rights of non-Jews in Palestine. Speaking at a protest near Sen. Chuck Schumer's home in Brooklyn last month, Naomi Klein said: "We don't need or want the false idol of Zionism. We want freedom from the project that commits genocide in our name."

latintimes (2024-05-21). Biden Says Israel's Gaza Offensive 'Not Genocide'. latintimes.com US President Joe Biden denied Monday that Israel's war in Gaza was genocide, as he slammed an "outrageous" request by the International Criminal Court's prosecutor for an arrest warrant for Israeli leaders.

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-21). Video: How union power should be mobilised against Israel's genocide. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2024-05-21). Nakba anniversary in Sri Lanka—an expression of growing opposition to the Gaza genocide. wsws.org The Colombo commemoration of Nakba, which refers to the original ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in what would become the state of Israel in 1948, was one of numerous events around the world last week.

The Media Line Staff (2024-05-21). Biden Defends Israel's Actions in Gaza, Rejects Genocide Claims at Heritage Event. themedialine.org

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-05-21). Anti Chevron Day Event Held in Richmond. indybay.org Environmentalists, unions, poets, musicians and genocide resisters call out Chevron's crimes…

WSWS (2024-05-21). Republican congresswoman Stefanik calls for "crushing" protests against Gaza genocide. wsws.org Representative Elise Stefanik denounced any limitation on military aid to the Israeli war machine.

newleftreview (2024-05-21). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

MEE staff (2024-05-21). Israeli deputy mayor humiliates blindfolded Palestinians in photos shared online. middleeasteye.net Israeli deputy mayor humiliates blindfolded Palestinians in photos shared online | Legal experts say sharing detention footage on Facebook and other sites could violate international law | | Shimon Tobol's images were taken while he was doing military service in the West Bank (Facebook) | The deputy…

albawaba (2024-05-21). Israeli drones strike bike in south Lebanon's Mansouri area. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- An Al-Mayadeen correspondent reported that Israeli drones targeted a motorbike in Mansouri, southern Lebanon. No details have been released about the entity targeted.The Israeli military stated that they targeted an armed cell as it entered a military building belonging to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Additionally, Israeli warplanes launched a raid on the town of Aita al-Shaab.In response, Hezbollah announced that they targeted the Al-Marj site with appropriate weapons to support the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and their resistance. They also struck the Jal al-Alam site with missiles, resulti…

The Independent (2024-05-21). ICC prosecutor asks for arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas leaders. independent.co.ug THE HAGUE | Xinhua | The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) said Monday he is applying for arrest warrants for two Israeli government officials, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and three Hamas leaders. Karim Khan said in a statement that he has "reasonable grounds to believe" that Netanyahu and Israeli defense minister …

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-21). FIDH welcomes the ICC Prosecutor's historic requests for arrest warrants in the Palestine situation. fidh.org

aljazeera (2024-05-21). 'No equivalence': Biden defends Israel after ICC requests arrest warrants. aljazeera.com US president insists Israel and Hamas cannot be compared after ICC seeks warrants over alleged Israeli war crimes.

Staff (2024-05-21). International Criminal Court Files Arrest Warrants Against Netanyahu and Palestinian Resistance Leaders. orinocotribune.com International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan filed applications for arrest warrants against Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, as well as Yahya Sinwar, head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri, commander-in-chief of Hamas's military wing, known as the al-Qassam Brigades, and Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau. | According to the court announcement made this Monday, May 20, all individuals "bear criminal responsibility for… war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of Israel and the State of Pale…

Global Research News (2024-05-21). Selected Articles: International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan K.C. Accuses Palestine of Waging War Against Israel. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2024-05-21). Gallant: Equation of Israeli leadership with Hamas is despicable, Israel doesn't recognize ICC's authority. haaretz.com Defense chief Gallant on ICC arrest warrants for him, Netanyahu: Equation to Hamas is despicable ‚ñ IDF says three aerial targets intercepted before reaching Israeli airspace ‚ñ Israeli army kills Hezbollah missile commander in Lebanon ‚ñ Qatar: 'No political will' for Gaza truce…

Chen Maanit (2024-05-21). Explained: What would international arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant mean? haaretz.com What are the prosecutor's main claims, how will Israel respond, what happens next – and what does the 'Putin precedent' mean for Israeli leaders?

Reuters (2024-05-21). What happens after war crimes prosecutor seeks arrest of Israeli, Hamas leaders? scmp.com The International Criminal Court prosecutor's office is seeking the arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders, including Benjamin Netanyahu. Here is a look at what happens next.

Mary Merkenich (2024-05-21). Germany silences pro-Palestinian voices while profiting from arms sales to Israel. greenleft.org.au While Germany cracks down on free speech and debate over Israel's genocidal war in Palestine in the name of 'protecting Jews and fighting antisemitism', its military industrial complex is making mega profits from the sales of weapons to Israel, writes Mary Merkenich.

albawaba (2024-05-21). Iraqi resistance targets Eilat with drones, intercepted by Israeli defense. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- The Iraqi Islamic Resistance announced that they attacked a vital target in the Israeli city of Eilat using two kamikaze drones. The Israeli army confirmed that its defense systems intercepted two suspicious objects in the skies over Eilat, as well as a drone in the Golan Heights.A video circulating on social media shows the interception of the drones. Israeli Channel 13 reported that one of the flying objects was intercepted off the coast of Eilat.‚ÄÉYoav Zeyton reported at 23: 35 that fighter jets intercepted a UAV heading from Syrian territory to Israeli territory. According to an ID…

Reuters (2024-05-21). Trump foreign policy advisers met Israeli PM Netanyahu, source says. scmp.com Three former US foreign policy officials in Donald Trump's administration met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other public figures in Israel.

Roger Copple (2024-05-21). Christians, Muslims, and Jews for a Secular One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel. globalresearch.ca

Amir Tibon (2024-05-21). U.S. national security advisor: Saudi deal close; U.S. may show draft to Israel. haaretz.com Sullivan clarified to Israeli senior officials that progress has been made towards a deal that would upgrade relations between Saudi Arabia, but expressed concerns that Netanyahu's position on the Palestinian issue would torpedo the talks…

Adam Fishbein (2024-05-21). University Endowment Funds Waste Big Bucks with Hedge Funds. cepr.net Of the many demands made by student protestors in recent weeks, the demand to divest from companies complicit in Israel's military assault on Gaza has attracted the most vocal resistance. A number of recent op-eds have argued that this aim is misguided and unfeasible, while some statements from university administration have directly addressed this demand …

noemail (2024-05-21). US lawmakers seek sanctions to "punish" ICC over Netanyahu arrest warrant application. devdiscourse.com Washington, DC [US], May 21 (ANI) United States lawmakers are contemplating imposing sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) if it issues an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US House Speaker Mike Johnson said. "In the absence of leadership from the White House, Congress is reviewing all options, including sanctions, to punish the ICC and ensure its leadership faces consequences if they proceed. If the ICC is allowed to threaten Israeli leaders, ours could be next," the US House Speaker said in a statement on Monday (local time).

Staff (2024-05-21). Israeli army says it attacked militants as Palestinians report seven killed, nine wounded. haaretz.com Israeli military says three aerial targets intercepted before reaching Israeli airspace ‚ñ ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant ‚ñ Israeli defense minister vows to expand Israel's Rafah offensive ‚ñ Qatar: 'No political will' for Gaza truce ‚ñ Israeli forces assassinate top Hamas police officers in central Gaza strikes, IDF says…

Noa Shpigel (2024-05-21). Israel defense chief says military rule in Gaza would extend IDF compulsory service to four years. haaretz.com Defense Minister Yoav Gallant tells fellow Likud lawmakers that an Israeli military rule in Gaza would cost the army a heavy price and calls to establish an alternative government. His colleagues criticize him, say he is trying to give Gaza to the Palestinian Authority…

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2024-05-21). From the History of Israeli−Palestinian Conflict: The First Palestinian Intifada Against the State of Israel (1987−1993) and Its Political Consequences. globalresearch.ca

albawaba (2024-05-21). Biden describes ICC arrest warrant against Israeli leaders 'Outrageous'. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- US President Joe Biden has condemned the International Criminal Court's (ICC) request for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders as "outrageous," according to a White House statement reported by Reuters. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also criticized the ICC's move, calling it "shameful."The ICC's chief prosecutor announced on Monday that he is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas leaders, including Yahya Sinwar, Abu Obeidah, and Ismail Haniyeh. These warrants relate to their actions during the seven-month conflict between Is…

Giorgos Mitralias (2024-05-21). From South Africa to Israel, the Greek State Has Always Had a Soft Spot for Apartheid. counterpunch.org If some people think they can repeat what they've seen in other countries and occupy universities, pitch tents and make a mess, they're deeply mistaken". This — so eminently delicate — statement by the Greek Prime Minister, which followed the brutal "evacuation" of the law faculty on Tuesday May 14 (28 arrests), can only surprise

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-05-21). All Out For Gaza – The Anger Continues. indybay.org Over a thousand march to Israeli consulate, again…

NEOB (2024-05-21). Government welcomes ICC arrest warrants application. sanews.gov.za Government welcomes ICC arrest warrants application | Government has welcomed the decision by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Kahn KC, on the application for arrest warrants that include Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others, for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. | The application for arrest warrants is for the Prime Minister, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and three leaders of Hamas — Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri and Ismail Haniyeh. | This is within the context of the present conflict raging in Gaza. | In a statement, Presi…

Gary Grappo (2024-05-21). FO ∞ Live: Make Sense of the New Israel—Iran Clash. fairobserver.com On April 1, an Israeli airstrike hit the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, Syria. The action killed seven members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including the most senior Iranian military officer in the region, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. He was the head of the elite IRGC Quds Force, in Lebanon and Syria,…

Alexis Sterling (2024-05-21). Biden condemns ICC bid to arrest Israeli leaders, sparking global outcry. nationofchange.org

teleSUR (2024-05-21). Greece Calls for Two-State Solution to End Middle East Conflict. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis urged the international community to promote the two-state solution to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. | RELATED: | During his meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Athens, Gerapetritis urged for enhanced joint efforts to halt the hostilities, release hostages and secure flow of humanitarian aid without hinderance to the Gaza people in need. | Thanking Egypt f…

Betsey Piette (2024-05-21). Biden's 'Red Line'. workers.org President Joe Biden said he would draw a "Red Line" if Israel invaded Rafah in southern Gaza. Yet there is already a river of Palestinian blood from over 220 days of Israel's genocidal assaults in every area of Gaza. There will be an ocean of blood as Israel's Prime . . . |

MEE staff (2024-05-21). ICC just for Africans and Putin, 'senior leader' told court prosecutor. middleeasteye.net ICC just for Africans and Putin, 'senior leader' told court prosecutor | Karim Khan defends court's remit following criticism of Israeli and Hamas arrest warrants | | International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan speaks during a press conference at the San Carlos Palace in Bogota, on 25 Ap…

UMMID (2024-05-21). ICC seeks arrest warrant for Netanyahu, balance it with action against Hamas. ummid.com Ending weeks of suspense, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Monday May 20, 2024 sought arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Jack Khoury (2024-05-21). Seven Palestinians killed in Israeli army raid in West Bank city of Jenin. haaretz.com The Israeli army said that it had started a counter-terrorism operation in Jenin, and that the army had identified at least 15 wounded militants. Islamic Jihad announced that its operatives are part of the clashes in the city…

albawaba (2024-05-21). Amal Clooney is one of the main reasons behind Netanyahu's arrest warrant. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – As a special advisor in the International Criminal Court (ICC) inquiry that resulted to arrest warrants for Israel and Hamas officials, human rights lawyer Amal Clooney was vital. Karim Khan, the court's head prosecutor, praised Clooney's participation on a respected international law panel.Khan thanked Clooney, saying, "The panel is composed of experts of immense standing in international humanitarian law and international criminal law." Many specialists, like Clooney, are British.ICC investigators Clooney and her colleagues have requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,…

Bar Peleg (2024-05-21). Judge orders release of suspect in assault of Israeli whose family was murdered on Oct. 7. haaretz.com The suspect, Uri Harush, will remain in custody until tomorrow — while the police will appeal the decision to release him to house arrest. The police representative said at the hearing that Kedem's wife Reuma was attacked first and that he intervened to protect her…

Fayha Shalash (2024-05-21). Israeli forces kill Palestinian students, teacher and doctor in Jenin assault. middleeasteye.net Israeli forces kill Palestinian students, teacher and doctor in Jenin assault | Troops open fire indiscriminately at Palestinians amid large-scale incursion in West Bank city | | Students gather around the body of their school teacher, Allam Jaradat, who was killed by Israeli forces in Je…

Peter Ford (2024-05-21). "Israeli settler-extremists are keeping Netanyahu in power." Interview with Ambassador Peter Ford. globalresearch.ca

Amir Tibon (2024-05-21). France and Germany express support for ICC, disapprove of arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant. haaretz.com Germany's ambassador to Israel wrote that while 'Germany respects independence and procedures' of the ICC, 'The simultaneous application for arrest warrants against Hamas' leadership and Israeli officials has given the incorrect impression of an equation'…

Abba A. Solomon, Norman Solomon (2024-05-21). The Dead End of Liberal American Zionism. indybay.org "Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace" is an oxymoron…

WSWS (2024-05-21). International Criminal Court prosecutor charges Netanyahu with "murder" and "extermination" of civilians. wsws.org On Monday, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court applied for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Amos Harel (2024-05-21). ICC prosecutor Khan has created a new reality for Israel — and it could end badly. haaretz.com Israel is not Russia and Western sanctions will impact every aspect of life here ‚ñ A survey by the Institute for National Security Studies shows that the public's trust in statements from the IDF spokesman is being eroded…

Staff (2024-05-21). Condolences and anti-imperialist solidarity on the passing of Iranian president, foreign minister and companions. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network raises our voice to join those of the Palestinian, Arab and regional forces of the resistance in expressing condolences for and solidarity with the Iranian people and nation on the tragic passing of president Ebrahim Raisi, foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and their companions in a helicopter crash on Sunday, 19 …

Spectator (2024-05-21). Pride and Palestine. indybay.org The 41st Pride Parade in Long Beach was generally a joyous occasion. But naturally, amid the party atmosphere was serious subjects like AIDS prevention/treatment, parents supporting their LGBTQ offspring, Planned Parenthood, and sobriety. There was also sponsorship by local businesses such as Hamburger Mary's as well as corporations including Disneyland, Walmart, Boeing, Gelson's, and major banks. But attention was also drawn by to Palestine (apparently by unaffiliated activists). See video at very bottom of article/pix.

Ben Norton (2024-05-21). Iran's President Raisi joined BRICS, called to drop US dollar, pushed for multipolar world. geopoliticaleconomy.com Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash, sought to unite the Global South against Western imperialism. He joined BRICS, advocated de-dollarization, supported Palestine, promoted a "Look East" strategy toward China and Russia, and allied with Africa and Latin America.

Staff (2024-05-21). Supreme Leader calls Assembly of Experts symbol of Islamic democracy. muslimmirror.com Tehran : Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has described the initiation of the new term of the Assembly of Experts as the manifestation of Islamic democracy. In a message on the occasion of the beginning of the sixth term of the Assembly of Experts, the Supreme Leader invited the entire …

Pressenza Philippines (2024-05-21). BCU SHS' 2nd Research Colloquium: A Resounding Success, Captivates External Research Council. pressenza.com by: Fred Florenz O. Abastillas | Comprised of selected Grade 11 and 12 student-researchers coming from different strands, Baguio Central University Senior High School Department conducted their comprehensive research colloquium at BCU Magsaysay Auditorium on May 7, 2024. | With the initiative and joint efforts of the Practical Research (PR) teachers, Immersion coordinators, Supreme Student Government (SSG) advisers, through the guidance of SHS principal — Dr. Manion K. Alcantara, the said one-day event was deemed successful in connection with its major theme: "Diversity of Fields, Strands of Knowledge [mdas…

teleSUR (2024-05-21). Assembly of Experts Elects Iran's Supreme Leader. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Iran inaugurated the new Assembly of Experts, the body composed of 88 clerics responsible for selecting the Supreme Leader in the event of a vacancy. | RELATED: | The new Assembly elected Ayatollah Mohammad-Ali Movahedi Kermani, 93, as its president with 55 votes in favor. | The ceremony was attended by 83 of the 88 members of the body, with the empty seats of the deceased: President Ebrahim Raisi and the F…

aljazeera (2024-05-21). Thousands mourn Iran's Raisi in Tabriz procession after helicopter crash. aljazeera.com Iranians are observing the second of five days of public mourning announced by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

UMMID (2024-05-21). Peace loving people across the world are pro-Palestinian. ummid.com Any decent, informed, and intelligent person, irrespective of one's faith and ethnolinguistic background, anywhere in the world must be pro-Palestinian.

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-21). 76 years since the Nakba, protesters say 'Free, free Palestine'. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-21). Video: All I want for Mother's Day is a Free Palestine. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-21). Tamils call for permanent settlement, express solidarity with Palestine. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-21). Tim Gooden: The ACTU can and must do more for Palestine. greenleft.org.au

Alex Bainbridge (2024-05-21). Palestine solidarity conference brings allies together. greenleft.org.au The second Palestine Solidarity Conference organised by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network attracted more than 250 people. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Socialist Alliance (2024-05-21). Socialist Alliance responds to slander by McGuinness: Zionists have lost hearts and minds over Palestine. socialist-alliance.org Socialist Alliance spokesperson Sue Bolton responds to outlandish opinion piece by Parnell Palme McGuinness…

teleSUR, JCM, DRL (2024-05-21). Fiscal de la CPI pide orden de detención contra premier israelí. telesurtv.net La corte detalló que Netanyahu y otros acusados son responsables de "crímenes de guerra y crímenes contra la humanidad".

teleSUR, JDO, MER, JGN (2024-05-21). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio que comete Israel.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-05-21). Mueren siete palestinos, uno de ellos médico, en asalto a Yenín. telesurtv.net Las fuerzas de ocupación irrumpieron en la ciudad de Yenín en una supuesta operación que señalaba varios falsos positivos por parte de Israel.

Maria Calvo (2024-05-21). Dime con quien andas …. radiohc.cu Como escandaloso calificó el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joseph Biden, el dictamen del fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional, Karim Khan, quien solicitó una orden de arresto contra el primer ministro sionista Benjamín Netanyahu por crímenes contra la humanidad cometidos en Palestina.

María Candela (2024-05-21). Milei se desencadena. radiohc.cu Las ideas disruptivas del presidente argentino, Javier Milei, cobraron cuerpo una vez más este fin de semana en Madrid en una oratoria anti- socialista y de claro corte fascista formuladas durante un mitin organizado en esa capital por el ultraderechista partido español Vox.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-21). Suben a 35.647 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net Durante la última jornada los ocupantes causaron 85 mártires y 200 heridos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-05-21). Se manifiestan en solidaridad con Gaza en Victoria, Australia. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes denunciaron la complicidad del Partido Laborista en los crímenes de guerra israelíes.

teleSUR, SH (2024-05-21). Ataque israelí al sur de la ciudad de Gaza deja cuatro muertos. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud de la Franja de Gaza elevó a 35.562 la cifra de muertos desde el inicio de la operación militar israelí contra el territorio palestino.

teleSUR, ahf, SH (2024-05-21). Manifestantes israelíes reclaman dimisión de Netanyahu. telesurtv.net Al lugar también llegaron familiares de los rehenes israelíes en Gaza, que, de acuerdo con EFE, "exigen un acuerdo de alto el fuego" con el grupo de resistencia Hamás.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-05-21). Gobierno colombiano indemniza a víctimas de Unión Patriótica. telesurtv.net Los fondos liberados por la Comisión para la identificación de las víctimas de la Unión dan cumplimiento a la sentencia impuesta por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CorteIDH).

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-05-21). The student movement for Palestine is now spreading everywhere, inspiring resistance to the barbarism of our times… cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-21). The World Bank and the IMF: the creditors' bailiffs. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-21). The singularity and importance of the 1st World Anti-Fascist Conference to be held in Porto Alegre from 17 to 19 May 2024. cadtm.org

newarab (2024-05-21). Algeria urges UNSC investigation of Israel's Gaza genocide. newarab.com Algeria has requested the UN Security Council to send an investigative mission to ascertain the facts of the genocide in the Gaza Strip. | "Regarding the situation in the Middle East, including Palestine, we urge the Security Council to act urgently to stop the genocide crimes in Gaza," said Nasim Kouaoui, the Algerian envoy to the United Nations, during an open session of the Security Council on Monday. | Algeria and Slovenia requested the session to discuss developments in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. | If talks do not resume, I fear for the worst for civilians in Rafah, for the hostages held for more t…

newarab (2024-05-21). War monitor: Israeli strikes kill six pro-Iran fighters in Syria. newarab.com A war monitor said at least six The

newarab (2024-05-21). Palestinians slam London event fundraising for Israeli soldiers. newarab.com Activists have slammed a The event, titled "Dance for Nova" is set to take place on 26 May with a promotional page describing it as a women's only event with a suggested donation of £36 for juniors and £50 for adults with proceeds reportedly going to Israeli soldiers. | "We'r…

newarab (2024-05-21). 'Eli Kouptar': Israeli channel falls for joke about Raisi crash. newarab.com The joke, made to look like a person's name and derived from the word "helicopter", first appeared on a Telegram channel. Eli is also a common Hebrew first name. | The "news" was read out by political analyst Daniel Ha…

newarab (2024-05-21). Gaza war: Israeli troops push into Jabalia, army strikes Rafah. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-21). Netanyahu 'refuses proposal for new truce talks' with Hamas. newarab.com The Israeli public broadcaster Kan said that Netanyahu rejected the proposals while admonishing the negotiators – who are led by Mossad chief David Barnea, Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar and Israeli army General Nitzan Alo…

newarab (2024-05-21). Source: Donald Trump advisers met Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. newarab.com Three former US foreign policy officials in The delegation was comprised of

newarab (2024-05-21). ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrant for Israeli, Hamas leaders. newarab.com Israeli President Isaac Herzog said that the "Any attempt to draw parallels between these atrocious terrorists and a democratically elected government of Israel – working to fulfill its duty to defend and protect its citizens entirely in adherence to the principles of international law — is…

newarab (2024-05-21). Israel says 'it wasn't us' after Raisi Iran chopper crash. newarab.com Israel has denied any involvement in a Hardliners Ebrahim Raisi, While there has…

newarab (2024-05-21). 'Destroy Hezbollah': Israeli ministers call for Lebanon invasion. newarab.com Extremist Israeli ministers have called on their military to invade and occupy On Monday, Israel's National Security Minister Ben-Gvir echoed simila…

newarab (2024-05-21). Gaza aid deliveries from controversial US pier begin. newarab.com The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Tuesday that more than 569 metric tons of humanitarian assistance has been delivered so far across a temporary floating pier to Aid deliveries began arriving at a Israel's unprecedented ai…

newarab (2024-05-21). Ben-Gvir rages at Israel police for 'protecting Gaza aid trucks'. newarab.com Ben-Gvir,

newarab (2024-05-21). 'Israel of Latin America' Colombia struggles to shed its skin. newarab.com On

newarab (2024-05-21). Israel, Hamas reject ICC bid to arrest leaders for war crimes. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-21). Five killed in Israeli strikes on south Lebanon. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-21). Children among 7 Palestinians killed in Israeli raid on Jenin. newarab.com Among those killed were a doctor, a teacher, and two children, the Palestinian health ministry stated. | The doctor, identified as 50…

newarab (2024-05-21). Biden slams 'outrageous' ICC arrest bid for Israeli leaders. newarab.com US President "And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence – none -…

newarab (2024-05-21). Top US aide Sullivan in Israel to advance hostage, Saudi deals. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-21). UN has not received aid from US pier in Gaza for two days. newarab.com Food and medicine for Palestinians in Gaza are piling up in Egypt because the Rafah crossing remains closed, and there has been no aid delivered to a Senior UN aid official Edem Wosornu said there were

newarab (2024-05-21). Greece to deport 9 European nationals over pro-Palestine protest. newarab.com Nine protesters from Police last week detained a total of

newarab (2024-05-21). Andrew Feinstein to challenge Keir Starmer in next UK election. newarab.com Andrew Feinstein, a former MP from Feinstein, who is of Jewish origin and a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause, made the announcement at a constituency event, saying the area "needs an MP who…

newarab (2024-05-21). Morocco: protests back to the street to overthrow normalisation. newarab.com In In Casablanca, protestors, sporting keffiyeh scarves and the colours of the Palestinian flag chanted "Free Palestine", "If we don't speak out, who will?" and "No to normalisation." | The protest was organised by a coalition of leftist parties and…

newarab (2024-05-21). Will the Iranian leaders' deaths impact relations with Iraq? newarab.com The Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei expressed his condolences…

newarab (2024-05-21). Iranian citizens see no change after Raisi's death. newarab.com On Sunday, for the first time since 1989, in Iran's post-revolution history, the establishment used all communication platforms to urge Iranians to pray for the health of its high-ranking officials. The last time this happened was days before the country's then-supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, was announced dead. | This time, it was not difficult to guess that former president

newarab (2024-05-21). Outrage as Rushdie says a free Palestine would be 'Taliban-like'. newarab.com

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Biden vows 'ironclad' support for Israel as genocide rages on. presstv.ir The US president vows to keep providing "ironclad" support for the Israeli regime as the latter presses on with its genocidal war on Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Campus movement spreads to Latin America. presstv.ir The National Autonomous University of Mexico isn't likely to be the scene of massive student repression like those witnessed in the United States, but protesters are demanding their government place more pressure on Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Hezbollah strikes Israeli outposts in retaliation for aggression against Lebanon. presstv.ir Hezbollah carries out a series of operations against various Israeli military positions in the northern part of the 1948 occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Gazans search rubble for survivors after Israeli strikes on Jabalia. presstv.ir Gazans search through the rubble for survivors following Israeli strikes on Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Iraqi resistance conducts drone attack against 'vital' Israeli target. presstv.ir The Islamic Resistance in Iraq carries out a drone strike against a "vital" target in the 1948 Israeli-occupied territories in response to the Tel Aviv regime's unrelenting onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Bodies at morgue after Israeli raid on West Bank's Jenin. presstv.ir People transport and gather around bodies at a morgue in Jenin.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Police clash with pro-Palestinian protesters at Amsterdam University. presstv.ir Clashes break out between the Dutch police and pro-Palestinian protesters at Amsterdam University.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Several detained at Texas Capitol rally condemning police violence at pro-Palestine demos. presstv.ir Several protesters were detained outside the Texas State Capitol in Austin during a pro-Palestine rally.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Police scuffle with pro-Palestine protesters at Amsterdam university. presstv.ir Police moved in to end a pro-Palestine protest at the University of Amsterdam.

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters at Amsterdam University. presstv.ir Video posted on social media showed police in riot gear clashing with protesters, who were shouting: "Shame on you."

presstv.ir (2024-05-21). Pro-Palestinian protest at Penn leads to multiple arrests. presstv.ir Police dismantled protest camps and arrested dozens of pro-Palestinian activists at the University of Pennsylvania.

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