2024-05-16: News Headlines

Qassam Muaddi (2024-05-16). 'Operation al-Aqsa Flood' Day 223: Israeli army withdraws from Zeitoun area after sustaining casualties, intensifies combat in Jabalia and Rafah. mondoweiss.net Israel's war minister declares opposition to Israeli military control of Gaza as Netanyahu insists on continuing the war. Meanwhile, the Israeli army killed five Palestinians in the West Bank, including a student on Nakba day.

Sara Flounders, Workers' World. (2024-05-16). Divest Now! A Revolutionary Demand. popularresistance.org Why have student encampments for Palestine ignited such an uproar of brutal repression, vicious police attacks, mass arrests, overwhelming condemnation in the corporate media and a new level of reactionary legislation in Congress? | The demand to divest, raised at almost every encampment, exposes the insidious inroads of the military-industrial complex into the heart of almost all higher education institutions in the U.S. today. | This demand to "divest" has revolutionary implications. Divestment is not just a threat to university boards, administrators and their alumni funders. It is a threat to the established…

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2024-05-16). Imperialist Weaponry And Shifting Alliances In The Sahel. popularresistance.org $95 billion in supplemental defense spending aimed at furthering the interests of the United States in various geopolitical regions of the world was recently passed by the legislative branches of the government. | These actions speak volumes on the actual priorities of Congress and the administration of President Joe Biden. | During the course of the first Biden administration, the Congress failed to pass pieces of legislation which were promised during the 2020 presidential campaign such as the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, among many others. Inflation remains a serious…

Joe Lauria, Cathy Vogan, Consortium News. (2024-05-16). Whistleblower McBride Sentenced To Five Years, Eight Months. popularresistance.org A federal judge in Canberra, the Australian capital, has sentenced military whistleblower David McBride to nearly six years in prison for leaking classified material to the media that revealed Australian war crimes in Afghanistan. | Supreme Court Justice David Massop ruled on Tuesday morning local time that "only a prison sentence is appropriate," and handed down 68 months — 5 years and 8 months. | Consortium News' Cathy Vogan, who is inside the courtroom, reported that McBride "will go to jail until 2030. He is led out of the court by three policemen. A woman takes his dog."

Wyatt Reed, The Grayzone. (2024-05-16). Meet The Violent Zionist Agitators Los Angeles Police Haven't Arrested. popularresistance.org On April 30, thirty people were injured when a mob of Zionist hooligans savagely assaulted the pro-Palestine UCLA encampment shortly before midnight. For over three hours, local and campus police stood down as the masked thugs assaulted students, journalists, and even officers of the law with fireworks volleys, pepper spray, and metal pipes. Though multiple attackers have been identified by community members on social media, to date there have been no arrests of pro-Israel goons. | The Grayzone has obtained a dossier composed by anonymous sleuths claiming involvement with the UCLA student protests which apparentl…

Caitlyn Clark, Labor Notes. (2024-05-16). Unions Support Student Protestors Against Administrators And Police. popularresistance.org As campus protests—and violent police repression—continue to roll across the country, some unions are getting involved. | More than 2,700 protesters have been arrested on 64 college campuses since the initial arrests at Columbia University in New York on April 18. Encampments have appeared at 184 campuses worldwide. The protesting students are calling for full disclosure of their universities' finances and divestment from all financial ties to weapons manufacturers and Israel's war on Gaza. | Unionized academic workers are demanding decision-making power over their work and what it's used for. For ins…

Dave DeCamp, Antiwar. (2024-05-16). US Army Officer Resigns Over 'Unqualified' Support For Israel. popularresistance.org An Army officer working at the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has resigned in protest of the US's "unqualified" support for the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. | Maj. Harrison Mann posted his resignation letter on LinkedIn and said it was initially distributed within the DIA on April 16. In the letter, he said the DIA does not only "inform policy" but "facilitates, and at times, directly executes policy," referring to US support for Israel. | "The policy that has never been far from my mind for the past six months is the nearly unqualified support for the government of Israel, which has e…

Ramzy Baroud, TRT World. (2024-05-16). 'We Must Fight'; Who Will Write The Last Chapter Of Our Nakba? popularresistance.org "Thank you, a thousand times over! Our sadness has now grown up and become a man. And now, we must fight." | That was the closing verse of a short but influential poem by iconic Palestinian poet, Samih Al-Qasim. It is entitled, "Rafah's Children." | Al-Qasim's poem was published in 1971, over half a century before Israel began its invasion of Rafah, the apex of its supposed military achievement — read genocide — in Gaza, which started in October 2023. | The poem identified two major characters in Palestine's ongoing tragedy, starting with the Nakba in 1948: The Israeli, as a representation of war, and…

Thomas Egan (2024-05-16). Back-to-back protests for Palestine rock Orlando. peoplesworld.org ORLANDO—This sunny central Florida tourist town was rocked by back-to-back protests against the continued genocide in Palestine this past weekend. The first action took place Saturday morning and involved three young women seizing control of the off-ramp for Interstate 4. They succeeded in blocking traffic with their cars and bodies before unfurling a banner demanding …

Susan Abulhawa (2024-05-16). Gaza is our moment of truth. dissidentvoice.org A protest by students at George Washington University. Probal Rashid SIPA USA) Powerful student movements in the 1960s and 1970s shook the world's conscience to end America's slaughter in Vietnam and Cambodia. The moral force of Black people rising together in their pain and rage against legislated racism changed the social fabric of America, ending …

Vijay Prashad (2024-05-16). My Heart Makes My Head Swim. dissidentvoice.org Malak Mattar (Palestine), Hind's Hall, 2024. The title of this newsletter, 'My heart makes my head swim', comes from Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks (1952). In a chapter called 'The Fact of Blackness', Fanon writes about the despair that racism produces, the immense anxiety about living in a world that has decided that certain …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2024-05-16). Gaza genocide cements Israel's status as a pariah. electronicintifada.net Itamar Ben-Gvir champions "voluntary emigration" while his followers attack aid trucks.

Reuters (2024-05-16). U.S. anchors floating pier to Gaza beach, aid to be delivered in days, military says. haaretz.com Biden announced the pier in March as aid officials implored Israel to improve access for relief supplies into Gaza over land routes. By opening a route to deliver aid by sea, the U.S. hopes to combat the humanitarian crisis that has put hundreds of thousands of people at risk of famine…

Angela (2024-05-16). Wednesday 5/22: Webinar: Genocide in Gaza and Repression at Home: Making the Connection. indybay.org Online | masspeace.us/GazaHomeConnection…

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). Video: How union power should be mobilised against Israel's genocide. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). Green Left Show #36: Genocide and ecocide in Gaza. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2024-05-16). University of California grad students overwhelmingly authorize strike against campus crackdowns. wsws.org The momentum of the strike must not be lost, especially now that the 48,000 academic workers in the UC system have voted to strike in response to police attacks against peaceful anti-genocide protests.

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-05-16). Rep. Jared Huffman's Secret Fundraiser Gets Public Voter Feedback. indybay.org Protesters yell "genocide Jared!" and "shame!, shame!, shame!"

Joachim Hagopian (2024-05-16). Biden Rewards Bibi's Genocide with $1 Billion More in Weapons. "There's Nowhere to Go". 300,000 Palestinians Fleeing Rafah. globalresearch.ca

Peter Hudis, Kevin B. Anderson, Heather Brown, Lyndon Porter, Fernando Baleia (2024-05-16). From the genocide in Palestine and Ukraine to the fascist threat: Working toward a revolutionary, Marxist-Humanist response. links.org.au Today's global capitalism is sinking into unimaginable levels of barbarism. Nowhere is this barbarism more glaring than in Israel's genocide in Gaza…

democracynow (2024-05-16). The Plan Is Genocide. democracynow.org Palestine's U.K. Ambassador decries Israel's Attack on Gaza and U.S. complicity.

aljazeera (2024-05-16). Why Egypt backed South Africa's genocide case against Israel in the ICJ. aljazeera.com Angered by Israel's moves in Gaza and the regional security risks they pose, Egypt joined the genocide case.

Janine Jackson (2024-05-16). 'Are you going to end the genocide, President Biden? That's the central question'. mronline.org CounterSpin interview with Ahmad Abuznaid on Rafah invasion.

WSWS (2024-05-16). Professors come to the defense of New Orleans students protesting Israel's genocide in Gaza. wsws.org Faculty at Tulane and Loyola Universities in New Orleans issue public letters denouncing the violent police assault and disciplinary measures against a peaceful student encampment protest earlier this month.

WSWS (2024-05-16). Biden pledges $1 billion in additional military aid, as new report accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza. wsws.org As the official death toll since October 7 rises to over 35,200 Palestinians—with well over 40,000 dead when those unaccounted for under the rubble are taken into account, the vast majority being women and children—Washington's response is to double down on its support for the far-right Zionist regime and to accelerate the shipment of arms.

The Associated Press (2024-05-16). World Court opens two-day hearings on Israel's military incursion into Rafah. haaretz.com According to South Africa's latest request, the previous preliminary orders by The Hague-based court were not sufficient to address 'a brutal military attack on the sole remaining refuge for the people of Gaza'…

MEE staff (2024-05-16). Watch Live: ICJ hears South Africa's demand to halt Israel's Rafah offensive. middleeasteye.net

Michael Grosso (2024-05-16). The Zionist Politics of Joe Biden. counterpunch.org When I voted for Joe Biden in the last election, I had yet to discover our American president's uniquely potent commitment to the state of Israel nor his fanatical adherence to Zionism. I've seen him in a film clip smiling enthusiastically and saying. "If I were Jewish, I'd be a Zionist." I watched a short

MEE staff (2024-05-16). War on Gaza: Israel sends more troops to Rafah, considers widening assault. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Israel sends more troops to Rafah, considers widening assault | Meanwhile, five Israeli soldiers killed in Jabalia friendly-fire and series of strikes target Lebanon's northeastern Baalbek | | Smoke rises from an explosion following an Israeli strike on southern Gaza on 15 May 2024 (Jack…

UMMID (2024-05-16). 'Mass Murderer, Genocidaire': Colombian President About Israeli PM Netanyahu. ummid.com In a strongly worded condemnation of Israeli war crimes against Palestinians, Colombian President Gustavo Petro Sunday called Benjamin Netanyahu a mass murder and genocidaire.

Robert Koehler (2024-05-16). A World Under Spiritual Construction. counterpunch.org There's something happening here . . . Consider, for instance, the recent announcement by Union Theological Seminary, which is affiliated with Columbia University, that it is divesting from "companies profiting from war in Palestine/Israel" — and, not only that, fully supports the student encampments (at Columbia and all across the country) and condemns the arrests and

Yossi Verter (2024-05-16). Israeli defense chief's message to Netanyahu, the artful fraudster: You're to blame. haaretz.com Hoping to ensure the survival of his government until November, the prime minister once again pulled out the 'conscription law' ploy. In desperation, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant gave the public a glimpse of the most sensitive strategic discussions and made it clear to Netanyahu: You better come to your senses — and fast…

Hundreds March Along the Embarcadero (2024-05-16). Memorial Vigil for Shireen Abu Akleh and Other Murdered Palestinian Journalists. indybay.org In memory of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who worked as a reporter for 25 years for Al Jazeera before she was killed by an Israeli sniper two years ago, a march and vigil on May 11. 1 min mp4 video by Lis Cox.

contact (2024-05-16). On Nakba Day, as Palestinians run for their lives, Biden advances $1 billion in arms sales to Israel — Day 221. israelpalestinenews.org Palestinians in Gaza can't seem to run fast enough to keep up with Israeli evacuation orders; can't dig airstrike victims out of the rubble; Israel reportedly was aware of UN car that it bombed, killing a high-ranking international worker; Israeli police reportedly knew about aid convoy and allowed its destruction; Israel appears ready for a full-scale invasion of Rafah; Ben Gvir calls for expulsion; Palestinian killed in West Bank; Biden seeks approval for another $1 billion in military sales to Israel; campus protest update, more…

aljazeera (2024-05-16). Israeli minister challenges Netanyahu over Gaza's post-war future. aljazeera.com Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and defence minister Yoav Gallant row over who should control Gaza.

MEE staff (2024-05-16). Israeli anti-Zionist academic Ilan Pappe interrogated by US intelligence on Gaza views. middleeasteye.net Israeli anti-Zionist academic Ilan Pappe interrogated by US intelligence on Gaza views | Professor says he was subjected to two hour interrogation and questioned about his ties to Muslim groups | | Ilan Pappe is a historian and University of Exeter academic known for his work on the Nakba (MEE) | Pro…

Ramzy Baroud (2024-05-16). Beyond Awards and Accolades: Why Gaza Journalists are the Best in the World. counterpunch.org By granting its 2024 World Press Freedom Prize to Palestinian journalists covering the Israeli war on Gaza, UNESCO has acknowledged a historic truth. Even if the decision to name Gaza's journalists as laureates of its prestigious award was partly motivated by the courage of these journalists, the truth is that no one in the world

Amos Harel (2024-05-16). Defense chief's dire warning to Netanyahu exposes a deep rift within Israeli leadership. haaretz.com Gallant's statement on Gaza's 'day after' sharply contrast the deafening silence from Gantz and Eizenkot — both of whom should have spoken out long ago. Netanyahu, as usual, decided not to decide. This open rift could boost Hamas' confidence and make a hostage deal even more difficult to secure…

Natasha Lennard (2024-05-16). University Professors Are Losing Their Jobs Over "New McCarthyism" on Gaza. theintercept.com

aljazeera (2024-05-16). California university will heed student call to boycott Israel institutions. aljazeera.com Calls to boycott Israeli academic institutions have been a consistent demand of protesters against Israel's war in Gaza.

noemail (2024-05-16). US military says Gaza Strip pier project is completed, aid to soon flow as Israel-Hamas war rages on. devdiscourse.com The US military finished installing a floating pier for the Gaza Strip on Thursday, with officials poised to begin ferrying badly needed humanitarian aid into the enclave besieged over seven months of intense fighting in the Israel-Hamas war.

Demonstrators Denounce Company's Israel Ties (2024-05-16). Protesters Block Entrance to Google Conference. indybay.org Today hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters stood strong in front of the entrance to Google's annual developer conference, many chaining themselves together. Thousands of attendees waiting to enter the Google event were delayed and had to be redirected.

Jason Ditz (2024-05-16). Hezbollah Launches Deepest Drone Strike in Israel Since War Began. news.antiwar.com Israel and Hezbollah carried out tit-for-tat airstrikes against one throughout Wednesday. Scores of Hezbollah missiles were fired at northern Israel and a drone strike against a military site near Golani Junction hit some 21 miles from the border. Israeli military reported damage but no injuries from the explosives-laden drone, but more noteworthy is the fact …

Editor (2024-05-16). 'A resounding slap in the face'. workers.org The United Nations General Assembly voted May 10 in favor of making Palestine a full member with voting rights in the U.N. Currently, Palestine has only observer status. Only nine countries — led by the U.S. and Israel — voted against full membership for Palestine, with 25 countries abstaining. Only . . . |

newleftreview (2024-05-16). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

The Media Line Staff (2024-05-16). Hizbullah Launches Deepest Drone Strike on Israeli Base Near Tiberias. themedialine.org

Louis Kriesberg (2024-05-16). Seeing a Way Out of the Gaza War. fpif.org In the face of an increasingly terrible conflict, political leaders, academic scholars, engaged officials, and media experts tend to explain how the conflict arose and is escalating badly. This has the effect of making the conflict appear inevitable and insurmountable short of totally defeating the adversary. Such thinking is evident in many of the current disorders in the United States and in many other countries. Such tendencies unfortunately fuel the intensity and gravity of the Israeli-Hamas war. Less attention tends to be given to constructive alternatives. | Fortunately, there are alternative approaches, de…

Haymarket Books, JVP, more (2024-05-16). Thursday 5/23: Break the Bonds!: Divest from Israel Bonds, Invest in Freedom Teach-in. indybay.org Online teach-in / webinar…

Al-Ittihad (2024-05-16). In Israeli-occupied West Bank, one village unites to expel illegal settlers. peoplesworld.org HAIFA—In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, the people of the Bir al-Maskoub Bedouin community succeeded a few days ago in pushing out gangs of settlers attempting to take the land. The Bir al-Maskoub peoples reside in the village Khan al-Ahmar, east of the occupied city of Jerusalem. At dawn last Friday, they expelled settlement gangs from …

albawaba (2024-05-16). US Military announces finalizing Gaza Strip pier. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The US Military announced finishing installing a floating pier for the Gaza Strip on Thursday, as officials plan to initiate delivering desperately needed humanitarian aid to the besieged enclave. The port, which is fraught with logistical, weather, and security issues, is intended to increase the quantity of aid delivered to the Gaza Strip, but it is not considered a replacement for significantly cheaper land-based deliveries, which aid agencies believe are much more sustainable, according to officials.The boatloads of aid will be dumped at an Israeli-built port facility just southwest of Gaza City be…

Lawrence Davidson (2024-05-16). Israel Descends Into Barbarism. counterpunch.org The Reality Unless you are the victim of a moral narrow-mindedness (and there seems to be an epidemic of this defect nowadays), it should be obvious to you that Israel has descended into barbarism. Why barbarism? Because in Israel, cruel, murderous, and otherwise criminal behavior has become state policy. Let's review the signs of this

Council of UC Faculty Associations (2024-05-16). CUCFA Statement On Campus Protests. indybay.org May 7, 2024 – The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) denounces the growing number of attempts to intimidate, repress, and criminalize campus protests of Israel's ongoing war on Gaza that is supported economically and politically by the United States.

Editor (2024-05-16). May 16, 2024. sitrepworld.info For the Love of a Princess (Braveheart Theme) Israel Descends Into Barbarism, by Lawrence Davidson Gilad Erdan Does World a Favor by Making Plain Israel's Doomed-to-Fail Strategy, by Jeffrey Sachs Democracy Versus Autocracy on America's Campuses, by William D. Hartung 'It's not human': What a French doctor saw in Gaza as Israel invaded Rafah Gaslit to Death: Giving Cover to Israel's Rafah Atrocity with Phony Gaza Numbers Game, by Juan Cole The Jewish Plot to Enslave Humanity — At the Roots of Political Judaism, by Pierre Simon The True Origin Of Hamas & The Decline Of Apartheid Israel &…

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). 'Cut ties with Israel' picketers tell Bisalloy Steel. greenleft.org.au

aljazeera (2024-05-16). Rift in Israel war cabinet as defence chief opposes 'military rule' in Gaza. aljazeera.com Israeli Defence Minister Gallant challenges PM Netanyahu over failure to address issue of post-war plan for Gaza.

Staff (2024-05-16). Israeli forces launch widescale raids in cities, towns across West Bank. muslimmirror.com ISTANBUL : Israeli forces raided several cities and towns in the occupied West Bank and the homes of Palestinians late Wednesday, according to official sources. The Israeli army carried out raids in Nablus, Tulkarm, Tubas, Qalqilya, Jericho, Bethlehem, Ramallah and Al-Bireh, the official Palestine TV reported. The official Palestinian News Agency WAFA meanwhile quoted local …

Radio Havana Cuba (2024-05-16). UNICEF calls for an end to Israel's indiscriminate killing of children in Gaza. en.escambray.cu The United Nations children's agency (UNICEF) has called for an end to the "indiscriminate killing" campaign against Palestinians, especially children, in the Gaza Strip, raising the alarm at the dire situation caused by Israel's genocidal war on the territory…

MEE staff (2024-05-16). War on Gaza: Israel sends additional brigade to Rafah as five soldiers killed in Jabalia friendly-fire. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Israel sends additional brigade to Rafah as five soldiers killed in Jabalia friendly-fire | Israel fires series of strikes on Baalbek, northeastern Lebanon | | Smoke rises from an explosion following an Israeli strike on southern Gaza on 15 May 2024 (Jack Guez/AFP) | The Israeli army ann…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-05-16). Dodging the Issue: The Biden Administration Report on Israel's Use of US Weapons. counterpunch.org It truly is pushing the envelope of lunacy to assume that this latest revelation was revelatory. US weapons, the wonks in Washington find, are being used by the Israeli Defense Forces to kill their opponents, many of them Palestinians, and most of them civilians. These are detailed in a report ordered by the White House pursuant to National Security Memorandum

aljazeera (2024-05-16). Israel kills more than 500 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7. aljazeera.com That toll is more than three times the number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank in 2022.

Staff (2024-05-16). Five Israeli soldiers killed by IDF tank fire in northern Gaza Strip. haaretz.com Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: Won't agree to military rule in Gaza ‚ñ Netanyahu: As long as Hamas remains, no other party will govern in Gaza ‚ñ War cabinet minister Gantz backs defense minister in spat with PM ‚ñ Senior Biden official says U.S. shares Gallant's concerns over post-war governance of Gaza…

aljazeera (2024-05-16). The evacuation of Rafah is yet another form of Israeli torture. aljazeera.com With another forced mass expulsion under way, Palestinian resilience is collapsing, giving way to pain and despair.

tn.ai (2024-05-16). European Trio to Be Held Accountable for Helping Israel during Iran's True Promise Operation: Commander. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force said the three European countries that deployed their warplanes to defend the Israeli regime against a retaliatory operation staged by Iran will be held accountable.

aljazeera (2024-05-16). US police clear pro-Palestinian camp from California university. aljazeera.com The demonstration at Irvine is the latest in a series of campus protests across the US over Israel's war in Gaza.

Editor (2024-05-16). My Grandfather's Nakba. scheerpost.com

Jason Ditz (2024-05-16). Hezbollah Launches Deepest Drone Strike in Israel Since War Began. news.antiwar.com Israel and Hezbollah carried out tit-for-tat airstrikes throughout Wednesday. Scores of Hezbollah missiles were fired at northern Israel and a drone strike against a military site near Golani Junction hit some 21 miles from the border. Israeli military reported damage but no injuries from the explosives-laden drone, but more noteworthy is the fact this is …

MEE staff (2024-05-16). Arab League will call for 'UN peacekeeping force' in Palestinian territories, reports say. middleeasteye.net Arab League will call for 'UN peacekeeping force' in Palestinian territories, reports say | Expected statement comes as international post-war plans for Gaza remain disputed with questions over the role Arab states and Israel will play in the territory | | Bahraini and Arab League flags are displayed…

Ariel David (2024-05-16). Enigmatic Canaanite tablet turns out to be school exercise, Israeli researchers say. haaretz.com Inscription found nearly a century ago in Beth Shemesh was a sequence of letters copied by a budding scribe, and reveals existence of a school there nearly 3,500 years ago…

Jim McMahan (2024-05-16). Nakba commemorated in Seattle. workers.org Nakba Day observed by massive march in Seattle, May 11, 2024. Seattle Each year Palestinians commemorate the Nakba (the Catastrophe) when, 76 years ago, 757,000 Palestinians were forcibly driven out of their homeland by Zionist troops with the complicity of the British Mandate. This was made possible by massacres like . . . |

A Guest Author (2024-05-16). On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba/Palestinian 'sacrifices will not be in vain'. workers.org The following statement was issued on May 15, 2024, by the Media Office for the Popular Resistance Committees on Resistance News Network: On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba and the uprooting of our people from our land due to Zionist terrorism, massacres and atrocities, our people remain deeply rooted . . . |

Jim McMahan (2024-05-16). Nakba commemorated in Seattle. workers.org Nakba Day observed by massive march in Seattle, May 11, 2024. Seattle Each year Palestinians commemorate the Nakba (the Catastrophe) when, 76 years ago, 757,000 Palestinians were forcibly driven out of their homeland by Zionist troops with the complicity of the British Mandate. This was made possible by massacres like . . . |

A Guest Author (2024-05-16). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on the Nakba anniversary. workers.org The following statement was issued by the Central Media Office for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba of 1948. The statement was issued by the Resistance News Network on May 15, 2024. O masses of our heroic people: . . . |

Encampment Report (2024-05-16). Stanford People's University Stands Strong Against Inter-Fascist Forces. indybay.org On May 12 Zionist and Hindu supremacist groups rallied on Stanford University campus. Students at the People's University encampment refused to be intimidated.

Speak Out Now (2024-05-16). Friday 5/17: Banner drop for Palestine. indybay.org I-80 Pedestrian Bridge at University Ave in Berkeley…

Allan Fisher (2024-05-16). Thursday 5/16: Palestine Solidarity protest – support the UCSC student encampment. indybay.org corner of Bay and High Streets, Santa Cruz (at entrance to UC Santa Cruz)…

sacred black, red (2024-05-16). Bonk: University of California Office of the President Attacked. indybay.org With the Aurora Borealis above us and the martyrs in our hearts, we attacked the UC Office of the President in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance. Using a fire extinguisher filled with red paint we covered the facade and smashed seven windows. Then, with access to the building, we released 500 cockroaches inside and emptied a second fire exintguisher onto the interior. We finalized the act by leaving a water jug inscribed with "Bonk" at the scene – an homage to the militants of Cal Poly Humboldt and the international student encampment movement.

Speak Out Now (2024-05-16). Friday 5/17: Berkeley: Banner drop for Palestine. indybay.org I-80 Pedestrian Bridge at University Ave in Berkeley…

Canadians for Justice, Peace in the Middle East (2024-05-16). On Nakba Day, Canada Must Address Complicity in Palestinian Dispossession. globalresearch.ca

Liberation Staff (2024-05-16). UAW 4811 authorizes strike across UC campuses defending right to protest for Palestine. liberationnews.org On May 15, 2024 — the 76th anniversary of the Nakba — UAW 4811 members across the University of California took the historic step to authorize a strike in defense of workers' rights to peacefully protest in support of Palestine.

Terrell Starr, Vladyslav Starodubtsev, Rita Adel (2024-05-16). Ukrainians and Palestinians are fighting occupation. links.org.au Terrell Starr speaks with Rita Adel and Vladyslav Starodubtsev about why they feel it is important for Ukrainians to understand colonialism in other parts of the world.

WSWS (2024-05-16). Australian Zionist who planted bomb outside pro-Palestinian household given lenient sentence. wsws.org Were the shoe on the other foot, the case would have been frontpage news for weeks. Instead, it has been covered up almost entirely.

WSWS (2024-05-16). A lesson in "lesser-evil" politics: Democrats join forces with Republican Speaker Mike Johnson. wsws.org A week after House Democrats voted to retain Mike Johnson as Speaker, the Louisiana Republican appeared outside the Trump trial in Manhattan to fervently support the fascist ex-president.

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). Video: All I want for Mother's Day is a Free Palestine. greenleft.org.au

aljazeera (2024-05-16). Its weakness on Gaza may cost UK Labour a majority in the next election. aljazeera.com The voters will not ignore the party's inability to strongly condemn the suffering inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza.

John Bachtell (2024-05-16). 2024 elections: Defeat MAGA and create new opportunities for change. peoplesworld.org In a recent interview, Mehdi Hasan asked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez how she would respond to an Arab American or young person who said, "I just can't vote for Biden again." Ocasio-Cortez responded, "Everyone comes to this prospect and conversation with a different history and background. For an individual Palestinian American who has had their family …

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). 76 years since the Nakba, protesters say 'Free, free Palestine'. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). Tim Gooden: The ACTU can and must do more for Palestine. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). NTEU Uni of Sydney passes historic boycott motion for Palestine. greenleft.org.au

Nicole George (2024-05-16). Why is New Caledonia on fire? According to local women, the deadly riots are about more than voting rights. greenleft.org.au Rioting broke out in New Caledonia's capital Noumea this week, following weeks of peaceful protest against a constitutional vote taken in Paris which will undo provisions in the 1998 Noumea Accord. Nicole George looks at how the situation has spiralled.

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). A clubbable admission: Palestine's case for UN membership. greenleft.org.au

Editor (2024-05-16). Conga against Homophobia and Transphobia in Cuba defends peace in Palestine. mronline.org Representatives of Cuban LGBTI activism and friends from other countries joined the parade calling for "All rights for all people", organized by the National Center for Sex Education (Cenesex) as part of the Cuban Days against Homophobia and Transphobia, May 3-18.

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-16). Nick Riemer: 'Keep mobilising for Palestine, for as long as it takes'. greenleft.org.au

aljazeera (2024-05-16). Nakba to Nakba, Palestinian life 76 years post-catastrophe is worse than 75. aljazeera.com On the 76th commemoration of the Nakba, Al Jazeera looks at the difference the last year has made to the Palestinians.

publicbooks (2024-05-16). An Open Letter to Harvard: Concerning Protest & Palestine. publicbooks.org A group of disciplined students implore Harvard to demonstrate ethical forbearance and drop all of the dubious charges leveled against students who nonviolently protested for Palestine.

ptcnews.tv (2024-05-16). France imposes state of emergency after four deaths in New Caledonia riots. ptcnews.tv PTC News Desk: After a second night of violence over changes to voting rights in the overseas territory that resulted in at least four deaths, France proclaimed a state of emergency in New Caledonia for at least 12 days.Over 300 people have been hurt and over 130 people have been arrested, according to the French High Commission. | Following a cabinet meeting on Wednesday afternoon in Paris, Prisca Thevenot, a government spokesman, announced the decision, stating that it would try to ease tensions following the "scenes of chaos," according to the Guardian. | Under the emergency measures, authorities will have mo…

noemail (2024-05-16). U.S. anchors temporary floating pier to Gaza beach, CENTCOM says. devdiscourse.com The United States on Thursday anchored a temporary floating pier to a beach in Gaza as part of a mission to deliver humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians, U.S Central Command said in a statement.

UMMID (2024-05-16). After over 7 months, SC finds NewsClick founder's arrest illegal, void. ummid.com In a judgement pronounced Wednesday May 15, 2024 the Supreme Court of India ordered immediate release of NewsClick Founder and Editor-in-Chief Prabir Purkayastha from jail.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-05-16). Rebeldes hutíes atacan buque destructor de EE.UU. en mar Rojo. telesurtv.net Las Fuerzas Armadas de Yemen también llevaron a cabo un ataque contra el barco Destiny, navío mercante que se dirigía hacia Israel.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-05-16). Venezuela reitera apoyo a Palestina en conmemoración del Nakba. telesurtv.net El embajador de Palestina en Venezuela, Fadi Alzaben, denunció que su país está padeciendo "una grave situación" producto de "ataques genocidas" en la Franja de Gaza..

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-05-16). Reprimen protestas propalestinas en Universidad de àÅmsterdam. telesurtv.net Los estudiantes señalaron que la violencia empleada no tiene precedentes.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-05-16). Presidente palestino arriba a Bahréin para participar en Cumbre àÅrabe. telesurtv.net El embajador palestino en Bahréin, Taha Abdul Qader, manifestó que se espera que el mandatario palestino pronuncie el discurso del Estado de Palestina antes de la 33ª Cumbre Árabe.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-05-16). Policía británica reprime protestas propalestinas en Glasgow. telesurtv.net La manifestación solictaba pedir el fin de la venta de armas al Estado Sionista de Israel ocurrió en una fábrica en la localidad de Thales.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, JGN, SH, JDO (2024-05-16). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net La OMS ha alertado sobre la grave situación sanitaria en Gaza y la falta de recursos para atender a la población afectada por los ataques israelíes.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-05-16). Exposición "Palestina vive" (+Audio). radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 de may (RHC) La exposición "Palestina vive" fue inaugurada este miércoles en el Centro de Prensa Internacional, en La Habana para rendir homenaje a las mujeres, niños y pueblo en general, víctima del genocidio israelí.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-05-16). Fiscalía de Perú pide suspender por 36 meses a Patricia Benavides. telesurtv.net La solicitud de suspensión temporal fue presentada el 10 de mayo pasado ante el juez supremo, Juan Carlos Checkley.

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-05-16). The student movement for Palestine is now spreading everywhere, inspiring resistance to the barbarism of our times… cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-16). The singularity and importance of the 1st World Anti-Fascist Conference to be held in Porto Alegre from 17 to 19 May 2024. cadtm.org

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-16). The World Bank and the IMF: the creditors' bailiffs. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-05-16). Israeli media on Hezbollah drone strike on Ilaniya Base: Infiltration of the explosive-laden drones into the Israeli depths is a serious failure. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-05-16). Israeli media: Two missiles fired from Lebanon towards Mattat in Western Galilee. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-05-16). Israeli media: Smoke rises as a huge salvo of rockets were fired from Lebanon at Meron. english.almanar.com.lb

newarab (2024-05-16). As Gaza faces famine, US touts sea corridor. newarab.com As Palestinians in On Wednesday, the State Department held a news briefing to share details and answer questions about the new sea corridor that aims to facilitate international food aid to Palestinians. | "Humanitarian cond…

newarab (2024-05-16). Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah travel ban overturned. newarab.com In a social media post, pro-Palestine legal rights group the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) announced that the organisation, alongside lawyer Alexander Gorski and the European Legal Support Centre, have successfully challenged the travel restriction. | The la…

newarab (2024-05-16). Why have the Al-Fajr Forces joined the fight against Israel. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-16). Israeli kills Gaza journalist Mahmoud Juhjouh and family. newarab.com Juhjouh was killed in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza City, when a bomb struck his family home. | The journalist worked for the Palestine Post Network. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says that at least 103 journalists have been killed in Is…

newarab (2024-05-16). Ilan Pappe interrogated at US airport for 2 hours over Gaza. newarab.com The author of 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine', which examines the violent events during the 1948 creation of Israel, wrote on Facebook…

newarab (2024-05-16). Israel says five troops killed in north Gaza 'friendly fire'. newarab.com Israel's military said Thursday that five soldiers had been killed by friendly fire in The troops were killed on Wednesday at 7 pm (1600 GMT) in the area of The latest fatalities take to 278 the number of Israeli troops killed since the start of Israel's gro…

newarab (2024-05-16). Shocking photo shows medics rounded up by Israel at Al-Shifa. newarab.com The Israeli army has published a harrowing photo from its recent assault on Ramy Abdu, Chairman of human rights group Euro-Med, shared the image on X , identifying at least two of the detained men. | The photo shows ten visibly frightened men huddled together and wearing the notorious white detainee jump suits, used by the Israeli military in Gaza, with numbered banner…

newarab (2024-05-16). Israel reportedly orders ban of Al Jazeera in West Bank. newarab.com Israel's Defense Minister According to Israel's Army Radio, Gallant had instructed army chief Herzi Halevi to impose the ban on the Qatari news broadcaster, following a previous ban in T…

newarab (2024-05-16). UN confirms Gaza death toll is mostly women and children. newarab.com Women and children make up at least 56 percent of the thousands killed in the UN agencies have since the beginning of the Gaza war in October relied on death tolls provided by the health ministry in the besieged territory. | The health ministry said Tuesday that at least 35,173 people have been killed in the territory due to Israeli…

newarab (2024-05-16). Is Harvard University set to fully divest from Israel. newarab.com A pro-Gaza encampment at Since the first mass arrests at

newarab (2024-05-16). White House's Sullivan to travel to Saudi Arabia and Israel. newarab.com White House national security adviser Additional details on his trip were not available. | The visit would come as the United States continues to press Israel…

newarab (2024-05-16). Israeli defence chief challenges Netanyahu over post-war Gaza plans. newarab.com Israeli Prime Minister The televised statement by Defence Minister

newarab (2024-05-16). Israeli extremists set fire to UNRWA HQ in East Jerusalem. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-16). Israel fears relations with Egypt could collapse over Rafah. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-16). Chef Rubio 'attacked by pro-Israel mob' after Gaza activism. newarab.com Prominent Italian chef Gabriele Rubini, better known as In a series of posts on X, the rugby player-turned-chef, said a gang of six men waited outside of his home and cut the wires to the security gate…

newarab (2024-05-16). Jordan 'foils arms plot as caught in Iran-Israel shadow war'. newarab.com The weapons were sent by Iranian-backed militias in Syria to a cell of the Musli…

newarab (2024-05-16). Calls for festival sponsor to divest from Israel-tied firms. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-16). Gaza: Five Israeli soldiers killed, US completes aid pier. newarab.com The US military finished installing a Separately on Thursday, the Israeli military said that five soldiers had been killed by friendly fire a day earlier in the

newarab (2024-05-16). Israeli forces face fierce resistance in Gaza's Jabalia camp. newarab.com Israeli forces encountered stiff resistance in Footage released by Hamas' armed wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, purportedly showed intense battles in which Palestinian fighters targeted I…

newarab (2024-05-16). Amnesty: Gaza displacement shows Israel's 'appalling record'. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-16). Israel kills Hezbollah 'commander' after spy balloon downed. newarab.com A In a statement, the Iran-backed Shia group mourned Hussein Ibrahim Makki, born in 1969, who was from the southern village of Beit Yahoun. | His role in Hezbollah was not identified by the group, but the Israeli military says he was a senior commander in Hezbollah's Southern Front unit. | The Israeli army published footage of the strike which hit Makki's car on the…

newarab (2024-05-16). Sliman Mansour on Fathi Ghaben, Gaza and art during war. newarab.com Since the start of Israel's "I haven't been able to produce much art," he tells The New Arab. "I have only made three or four paintings in the last couple of months. Usually, I do much more, but then I listen to the news and it becomes hard to concentrate." | It was only at the en…

newarab (2024-05-16). Tension before Arab summit as UAE refuses Palestinian budget. newarab.com Preparatory meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday for an Abu Dhabi reserved support for two important items…

newarab (2024-05-16). Palestinians across Middle East mark Nakba with eyes on Gaza. newarab.com The

newarab (2024-05-16). 1948 to 2024, three Palestinian sisters live endless Nakba. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-16). Amsterdam pro-Palestine protests: Dutch students speak out. newarab.com launch camps in support of Gaza, attention is drawn to the young individuals defying the odds to express solidarity. | On Monday 6 May, a group of protesters The current roster includes the UvA,

newarab (2024-05-16). Vienna University cancels talk with Palestinian historian. newarab.com The University of Vienna in Austria has been criticised following the axing of a talk headed by Palestinian-American historian In a statement posted on the university's

newarab (2024-05-16). Amsterdam pro-Palestine protests: Dutch students speak out. newarab.com As hundreds of students from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in the Netherlands On Monday 6 May, a group of protesters

newarab (2024-05-16). Nakba yesterday, Nakba today: My grandmother's two keys. newarab.com "History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce." | Karl Marx coined the phrase to denote the cyclical nature of history. When tragedies reoccur in the same context they become a farcical spectacle, pointing not only to the cynical human nature but also the poor imitation of past events. | My 94-year-old Palestinian grandmother, Ghefreh, does not know Karl Marx, and I doubt she cares about philosophy. But she understands that tragedies do recur and that history can "often rhyme" — to quote Mark Twain. | "The tent turned into a house in a refugee camp. The refugee camp turned into a communi…

newarab (2024-05-16). Nakba Day: Palestinians share memories of loss, displacement. newarab.com The Nakba, marked on 15 May every year, describes the expulsion of over 750,000 During the Nakba, Palestinians lost their homes, land and were stripped of thei…

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). ICJ to hear South Africa's call to halt Israel's Rafah offensive. presstv.ir South Africa will ask the International Court of Justice to order Israel to halt Rafah offensive.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). 'Biden has blood on his hands': First Jewish staffer resigns over Gaza war. presstv.ir A Jewish-American Biden political appointee has publicly resigned in protest of the administration's funding of the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Yemen's army hits vessel, US warship in latest pro-Palestine operation. presstv.ir An army statement said Yemen will continue operations in solidarity with the Palestinian people until the genocide in Gaza stops.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Israel 'creates illusion' of civilian protection in Gaza: UN rapporteur. presstv.ir Francesca Albanese says Israel's use of terms from international humanitarian law create the "illusion that its military operations ensure protection of civilians."

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Iraq's resistance hits 'vital targets' in Israeli-occupied territories. presstv.ir The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has been conducting many such attacks on Israeli targets since early October.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Pro-Palestine activists protest against UK arms shipments to Israel. presstv.ir They say the British weapons industry has been cashing in on Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Duke University commencement speech prompts walkout over speaker's Israel support. presstv.ir Dozens of students leave Duke University's commencement ceremony over speaker's support for Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Hezbollah hits base of giant spy blimp in 'deepest strike' against Israel. presstv.ir Israel says Hezbollah has attacked a sensitive military facility from which a giant spy balloon, known as Sky Dew, is operated.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Israeli drone strike kills, injures dozens of internet seekers in Gaza. presstv.ir The strike hit a gathering of civilians trying to connect to the internet on the Jalaa street of Gaza City.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). AFC backs Palestine's bid for Israel suspension from FIFA over Gaza war. presstv.ir The AFC supports Palestine's proposal to suspend Israel from FIFA due to the regime's criminal war in the Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Five Israeli troops killed in 'friendly fire' in Gaza. presstv.ir Five Israeli soldiers have been killed by an Israeli tank friendly fire in the besieged Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Erdogan: 'Terrorist' Israel will 'set sights' on Turkey if Hamas is defeated. presstv.ir The Turkish president was speaking at the parliamentary group meeting in Ankara.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Hamas marks Nakba Day, says Israel failed to achieve goals in Gaza. presstv.ir Hamas, in marking the Nakba Day, has hailed the "epic" resistance against the Israeli war machine.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Hezbollah retaliates heavily against Israel after cmdr. assassination. presstv.ir Hezbollah launches a raft of strikes against several Israeli targets after the regime's assassination of one of the movement's senior field commanders.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Biden poised to send more arms to Israel as Rafah situation worsens. presstv.ir The US administration informed Congress it intends to transfer $1 billion in weapons to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Israel removal from our land inevitable: Haniyeh on Nakba anniv. presstv.ir Hamas' Political Bureau chief expresses certainty regarding the Israeli regime's eventual removal from the entirety of the Palestinian territories.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Senior Hezbollah field commander killed in Israeli strike on southern Lebanon. presstv.ir A high-ranking field commander of Hezbollah has been killed in an Israeli airstrike against his vehicle in the southern Lebanese city of Tyre.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Army commander: Iran to respond directly to threats from Israel. presstv.ir Iran will respond directly to any threat originating from the Zionist regime, Army Ground Forces Commander Brigadier General Kiumars Heydari says, in the Islamic Republic's latest warning to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Students set up tent camp at Turin university in support of Palestinians. presstv.ir Dozens of pro-Palestinian students set up an encampment at Turin Polytechnic University to protest Israel's war in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Gazans search rubble for survivors after Israeli strikes on Jabalia. presstv.ir Gazans search through the rubble for survivors following Israeli strikes on Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). European trio warned after deploying warplanes to defend Israel against Iran op. presstv.ir Iranian commander warns the UK, Germany, and France after the trio deployed their warplanes to defend the Israeli regime against Iran's retaliatory operation.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters at Amsterdam University. presstv.ir Video posted on social media showed police in riot gear clashing with protesters, who were shouting: "Shame on you."

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Pro-Palestinian protesters take to the streets in Chile. presstv.ir Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters march to the US Embassy in Santiago to protest the Gaza war.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). 'Nakba never ended, it continues as we see livestreamed in Gaza today'. presstv.ir Dina Elmuti, a first-generation Palestinian-American trauma social worker living in the US, says the Nakba never ended as the world sees livestreamed in Gaza today.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Police scuffle with pro-Palestine protesters at Amsterdam university. presstv.ir Police moved in to end a pro-Palestine protest at the University of Amsterdam.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). US campus protests continue despite mass arrests. presstv.ir Pro-Palestine encampments at US universities continue to grow, exposing the widespread hypocrisy, violence and pro-imperialist sentiment at US institutions of higher learning.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Police clash with pro-Palestinian protesters at Amsterdam University. presstv.ir Clashes break out between the Dutch police and pro-Palestinian protesters at Amsterdam University.

hindustantimes (2024-05-16). Cargo Ship Tried To Fool Houthis To Go To Israel, But Then…: Yemeni Group's Claim | Gaza | Red Sea. hindustantimes.com Yemen's Houthi group, on May 15, claimed double attacks on vessels in the Red Sea. Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree claimed an attack on a U.S. Navy Destroyer ship. Saree added that the commercial ship that came under attack was identified as 'Destiny'. The Houthi Spokesperson did not specify the date when the two ships were targeted. Watch for more.

hindustantimes (2024-05-16). Erdogan's Big Prediction On Israel's Next Move If It Defeats Hamas; 'Will Set Sights On…' | Watch. hindustantimes.com Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a stark warning over Israel's post-Gaza war plans. Erdogan warned that Israel will "set its sights" on Turkey if it succeeds in defeating the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip. His warning came during his address at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on May 15. He further reiterated his support for Hamas, calling it a 'Liberation Group.' Watch this to know more.

hindustantimes (2024-05-16). Israel Economy To Suffer Due To Rafah Op? Tel Aviv's Biggest Trading Partner's Veiled Warning | EU. hindustantimes.com The European Union has urged Israel to end its military operation in Rafah. EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell said that IDF's Rafah operation would "inevitably put a heavy strain" on the bloc's relationship with Israel. This comes a week after Israel launched a 'limited operation' in Gaza's Rafah city. Watch for more.

hindustantimes (2024-05-16). Hezbollah Revenge: Drone Swarm Pounds Military Base Deep Inside Israel, IDF Retaliates In Baalbek. hindustantimes.com Hezbollah carried out its second deepest strike into Israel's territory this year with a swarm of drones. Hezbollah said that the drone strike was revenge for Israel's recent assassinations. On May 15, Hezbollah launched a swarm of drones which damaged part of a surveillance system used by the Israeli Air Force at military base west of Tiberias. Israel hit back with Lebanese media claiming that IDF launched largest-ever airstrikes on Lebanon's Baalbek region. Watch for more details. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

hindustantimes (2024-05-16). Hamas Has The Last Laugh: Netanyahu 'Shuts Down' Israeli Defence Min's Post-war Gaza Plan Dare. hindustantimes.com Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has defended not having a plan for post-war Gaza after he was publicly challenged by his defence minister Yoav Gallant. Netanyahu said that no excuses should be made and the current focus of the war should be eliminating Hamas. Earlier Yoav Gallant in a televised speech said, "I call on the prime minister to announce that Israel will not rule over Gaza militarily. An alternative to Hamas governance should be established … Indecision will erode the military gains (of the war)." Meanwhile, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh said that the Palestinian militant group will decide on post-war Gaz…

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